Mercedes-Benz Timeline Marketing

  • First Car

    First Car
    In 1886, Karl Benz received a German Patent for his 3-wheel "motorwagen". It would become the beginning of a brand with a deep legacy of luxury, high quality cars
  • The First Race

    The First Race
    in 1896, Paris Magazine sponsored an auto race in which Mercedes Benz participated, but lost to a Daimler-powered vehicle.
  • Electric-Based Car

    Electric-Based Car
    In 1906, Several Mercedes-Benz vehicles became available with battery-electric propulsion, which would become the base model for many of our modern electric and hybrid cars.
  • Mercedes-Benz Logo

    Mercedes-Benz Logo
    This was the first logo of the merged brand, and is the base of what we know as the Mercedes Benz Logo.
  • Daimler-Benz AG Merger

    Daimler-Benz AG Merger
    On this date, two rival German motor companies, Daimler and Benz, merged together, forming Daimler-Benz AG, before changing their name to Mercedes-Benz
  • Death of Benz

    Death of Benz
    On April 4, 1929, Karl Benz passed away of Bronchial inflammation. This meant that the key innovative factor in a rising company was dead, and the company could go either way, making their way to the top, or plummeting to the bottom.
  • 4-Wheel Independent Suspension

    4-Wheel Independent Suspension
    In 1931, Mercedes-Benz created their first 4-wheel car with independent suspension. Each wheel could function individually, and it was safer, more reliable, more balanced, and led to the modern model of cars we see on the road.
  • Crash Testing

    Crash Testing
    To ensure the safety of their cars, Mercedes-Benz implemented crash testing into every model of car they produced. This showed the public that they were aware of the safety concerns, and were working vigorously to change the view of cars.
  • Modern Mercedes-Benz Logo

    Modern Mercedes-Benz Logo
    The emblem we know today, the one we see on the iconic luxury cars, was designed in 2008 and was based of their previous logo, which was implemented when the two companies merged.