The "Firsts"

  • 1453

    First printing press invented

    First printing press invented
    John Gutenberg invents the first printing press, leading the world into an era where media and books can be mass produced.
    More about the Gutenberg Press:
  • First newspaper

    First newspaper
    First news paper was published in America, it was seized by the government and all copies were destroyed
  • First Photograph

    First Photograph
    The earliest known surviving photograph to man
  • First Illustrated Newspaper

  • First wireless radio broadcasting

    Reginald A. Fessenden transmitted the first radio broadcast from Brant Rock, Massachusetts to the general public. The broadcast was about entertainment and music. []
  • First commercial radio station

    First commercial radio station
    KDKA of Pittsburg was the first commercial radio station in the United States, their first broadcast was about the outcomes of the Harding-Cox presidential election.
  • First television

    First television
    Scottish inventor John Logie Baird created the first television using broadcasting and showcased it in department stores in 1925.
  • First Television station

    First Television station
    WRGB was the first TV station to broadcast in America. It broadcasted from General Electric facility in Schenectady, NY
  • The first computer

    The first computer
    ENIAC, it was a 50 ton computer that occupied 1800 square feet, invented by J. Presper Eckert and created at the University of Pensilvania
  • The First Mass-Produced Computer

    The First Mass-Produced Computer
    The IBM 650 was the first mass produced computer by tech giant IBM, it was only expected that around 50 would sell but they ended up selling up to 75, a seemingly large number for the time.
  • First Message Sent Through Internet

    The first message was sent over network packings known as ARPANET. A student tried to send login through ARPANET, after sending the letters L and O the system crashed, making the first message lo.