Matt groening 406565

Matt groening

  • birth

    He was born in portland he haves 57 years old now
  • Period: to

    firs jobs

    the first jobs in his carrer are....
  • first job

    first job
    Groening made his first prfessional cartoon sale of life in hell to the avant-grade in magazine
  • Contract

    brooks contacted groening with the proposition of workking in animation for the fox´s show
  • Period: to

    Tv shows

  • TV shows

    TV shows
    Groening along with former simpsons writer David X . Cohen, developet , futurama
  • futurama premiere

    futurama premiere
    wich premiere futurama in the fox
  • futurama cancelled

    futurama cancelled
    After four years on the air, the souw was cancelled by fox
  • one of their awards

    one of their awards
    Cannes received a gold medal and a key part of the Mayor
  • futurama restart

    futurama restart
    comedy central commissioned 16 new episodes from four direct to DVD movies