Mass media

By Kat31yn
  • 100 BCE

    100 bc

    Paper is invented in china. Historical records can now be stored
  • 1455


    Gutenberg invents the printing press
  • 1814

    Photography, actual visual records of people and history can now be stored
  • 1835

    Samuel Morse invents Morse code. Morse code communication breaks the distance barrier.
  • 1843

    The telegraph, text communication breaks the distance barrier
  • 1876

    Bell invents the telephone. Conversation breaks the distance barrier
  • 1898

    Lumiere brothers present the first publicly shown film.
  • 1920

    First radio broadcast in the US. The birth of the modern mass media
  • Period: to


    The golden age of film, Hollywood turns actors into national celebrities
  • 2006

    User generated content grows (YouTube). Time magazine names you as the person of the year