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Martin Luther

  • Nov 10, 1483


    Martin Luther was born on November 10, 1483 in Eiselban
  • 1502

    Bachelor's Degree

    Bachelor's Degree
    Martin Luther started college in 1501 and eventually earned his bachelor's degree
  • 1505

    Becoming a Monk

    Becoming a Monk
    Luther becomes a monk because he has a near death experience during a lightning storm, makes him fear for his life and seek comfort in becoming a monk. Luther also gets his Master's Degree.
  • Oct 19, 1512

    Doctorate in Theology

    Doctorate in Theology
    Martin Luther was received into the senate of the theological faculty of the University of Wittenberg and was awarded his Doctor of Theology
  • Period: 1513 to 1516

    Time as a Monk

    Martin Luther's time as a monk was spent studying the bible, specifically Psalms, Hebrews, Romans, and Galatians. Luther often fasted, spent hours in prayer, and confession.
  • 1517

    Luther's Letter About Indulgences

    Luther's Letter About Indulgences
    Luther wrote to Albrecht von Brandenburg to protest the sale of indulgences. His letter later becomes known as the Ninety-Five Theses.
  • 1517

    The Posting of the Ninety-Five Theses

    The Posting of the Ninety-Five Theses
    Martin Luther posted the Theses to a Church door in mid-November because of lack of response from the church
  • 1519

    Martin Luther's Debate

    Martin Luther's Debate
    Martin Luther debated against Johann Eck, but Luther claimed that Matthew 16:18 doesn't leave scripture interpreting exclusively to the pope, proving that the Pope was not infallible. Also, in 1519, Luther's writings started to make their way to France, England, and Italy.
  • 1520

    More Writings

    More Writings
    In his response to his excommunication warning, he writes "To the Christian Nobility", "On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church", and "The Freedom of a Christian"
  • Jun 15, 1520

    Warned of Potential Excommunication

    Warned of Potential Excommunication
    Luther was warned that if he did not retract 41 sentances from his writing, which also included the Ninety-Five Theses within 60 days.
  • 1521


    Luther is officially excommunicated by the papal bull Decet Romanum at Diet of Worms because he refused to recant his writings.
  • 1521


    Luther was "kidnapped" and was under the protection of Fredrick the Wise. Luther grew a beard and went by the name "Squire George"
  • 1522


    Luther returns to Lutherstadt Wittenberg and started many social and theological reforms including education.