Major Events

By miroth
  • 1296

    Construction of the Duomo

    Construction of the Duomo
    The construction of the Duomo was the door to new technology. It also was a new way of construction.
  • 1327

    Black Death hits Europe

    Black Death hits Europe
    The most deadly virus to ever hit Europe. Wiped ou ⅓ of the population. The plague started in Asia and eventually made it to Europe through trade routes.
  • 1445

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    The printing press was the first idea of Social Media. It allowed for ideas to spread faster.
  • 1492

    Columbus Reaches North America

    Columbus Reaches North America
    It was the first explorer to reach North America.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    Helped pave a path for all the other Renaissance painting.
  • Nov 10, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    This was the start of the Catholic Reformation period. It was Martin Luther’s 95 reforms of the Catholic Church.
  • 1534

    The church of England was created.

    The church of England was created.
    In 1534 King Henry wanted to divorce his wife but he wasn’t allowed to in the Catholic Church so he created his own Church.
  • Shakespeare's 1st Play

    Shakespeare's 1st Play
    King Henry the 8th was Shakespeare's first play
  • Galileo Telescope

    Galileo Telescope
    This was Galileo’s proof that the planets revolved around the sun. This helped people believe that the Earth was not the center of the universe.
  • Newton

    In 1687 Newton figured out gravity and calculus.