Mae Jemison

  • when she was born

    Mae Jemison was born on October 17 1956 in Decatur Alabama.
  • where she went to high school

    Mae Jemison went to high school at Morgan park.
  • when she graduted

    Mae Jemison graduated from high school in 1973 at age 16.
  • what collage she choose to go to

    Mae Jemison had four collage offers she then choose to go to Stanford university in californa.
  • what year she grauduted

    Mae Jemison graduated at Stanford university in 1977
  • what she did after colleage

    after Mae Jemison went to collage she finished her studies at Cornell university in 1981.
  • what happed after Cornell university

    Mae Jemison applied to NASA in 1986 and got expected June 4 1987
  • Fun fact

    A school was named after her in 1992
  • When she came back

    Mae Jemison came back from her space mission on September 20 1992.
  • first space mission

    Mae Jemison first space mission took place on the Endeavour shuttle on September 1992
  • What day she went to space

    Mae Jemison went into space on September 12 1992
  • After NASA

    She retired from NASA in 1993
  • What star in

    In 1993 she star in Star Trek
  • After retirement

    She wrote a autobiography called find were the wind goes moments from my life .