Ages stages

MadiMySon's Timeline

  • Infancy

    The sensorimotor stage. An infant's knowledge of the world is limited to his or her sensory perceptions.
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    Infancy to Beginning Toddler Years

    Infact BabyAge 0 to 2
  • Walking; First Steps to Success

    The first steps to succes. I started walking and talking around about 10 1/2 months. I was a little younger than the norm, but now had the ability to roam around a little more freely.
  • Starting Preschool

    Starting Preschool
    My first interation with 'outside people' on a daily basis.
  • Starting Dance

    Starting Dance
    Beginning what would soon be the love of my life.
  • Elementary Years

    Elementary Years
    Im now in 'real school', and will have to develop social skills in order to properly communicate and get along with others. Daily Interaction with people (students and teachers). Learning about multiple subjects daily.
    Concrete Operational Stage.
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    Elementary Years

    Beginning the first stage of School.
  • My First Bike Accident

    My First Bike Accident
    I busted my lip open, chipped my tooth, and sprained my arm. This traumatized me, and I have yet to get on a bike since. Fourth grade was rough.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    Going to Plaza Middle School then to Congress. Getting a preview of what highschool will be like. Becoming a teenager, and being on my own a little bit more in school.
    Beginning my Formal Operational Stage.
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    Middle School

  • Becoming a Competitive Dancer

    Becoming a Competitive Dancer
    I joined a competitive dance team. I learned how to work with others, and discipline in team work.
  • Highschool

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    Enetering highschool is a HUGE step in life. You are now almost COMPLETELY on your own in school. This is preparing you for college life and becoming an adult. I wasnt too worried about highschool, but had to become less dependent on my teachers.
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    Graduating Highschool will be the start of my adult life. Entering into collge will be an even bigger step for me than entering highschool. I will start preparing for my dream career.
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    College Life

  • Starting College

    Starting College
    On the path to starting my adult life. I will begin preparing for my long term career, and figuring out exactly WHO and WHAT I want to be.
  • Graduating College

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    An Independent Adult; The Real World

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    Elderly Years

  • Reflecting on Life

    Reflecting on Life
    When I hit my 60s and 70s I'll be able to relax and reflect on my life.