Luke Kochert 4A AP US History 2nd Semester Final Timeline

  • Founding of the Carnegie Steel Company

    Founding of the Carnegie Steel Company
    Steel had existed for quite some time before Andrew Carnegie's company. But it was very expensive to make and therefore expensive to use and purchase. Carnegie removed massive amounts of inefficiency in his steel mills making steel an affordable building material. Steel with its strength and rigidity allowed city buildings to expand upwards creating the first skyscrapers ever in the U.S.
  • Spoils System is Eliminated

    Spoils System is Eliminated
    Since Andrew Jackson's presidency the Spoils System had become a Hallmark every president after him. However many questioned those who were unqualified for government jobs. In 1883 the Pendleton Act was put into place elimination the Spoils System. The Act mandated a Civil Service Exam for all who wished to enter government jobs making sure that those applying were qualified to take government positions.
  • Advent of Alternating Current

    Advent of Alternating Current
    Thomas Edison had been dominant in introducing electricity in the U.S. However Nikola Tesla would sever as a rival with electricity being delivered via alternating current. Alternating current could go longer distances and was far safer than Edison's direct current. Alternating later would be exclusively used to deliver electricity across all of the United States.
  • Jacob Rii's "How the other Half Lives"

    Jacob Rii's "How the other Half Lives"
    Once a person who had lived in tenement housing Jacob Rii began photographing the horrible conditions of immigrant housing in the U.S. His book "How the other Half Lives" is filled with images of the conditions immigrants had to reside in daily living in tenement homes. Him and other muckrakers influenced the introduction of building codes in tenement housing which in modern times applies to all buildings and establishments.
  • Sinking of the U.S.S Maine

    Sinking of the U.S.S Maine
    The U.S.S Maine was ent into Havannah Harbor in Cuba in order to make the presence of the U.S known to Spain. However the ship had internally exploded with almost all occupants being killed. The sudden tragedy began to blamed on Spain as no one truly know what happened until decades later. After a large amount of distrust Amerian society began to become enraged toward Spain blaming them for the ship sinking and deaths of U.S soldiers. This would lead to the Spanish American War.
  • U.S Declares War on Spain

    U.S Declares War on Spain
    After the U.S blamed Spain for the sinking and deaths from the U.S.S Maine. Soon America officially declares war against Spain to liberate Cuba and remove European influence. During the war Theodore Roosevelt would make his debut to the American public as a charismatic and brave war hero who personally fought with his men. Roosevelt would soon become a living legend to American society his sheer popularity and attitude would eventually help him become the nation's president in the future.
  • Theodore Roosevelt Becomes President

    Theodore Roosevelt Becomes President
    With his celebrity status and endearing character Roosevelt easily wins when he enters the presidential election. Roosevelt would go on to become an incredibly involved and active president. He set forth many reforms in order to fix the problems caused by unregulated industrial society. The construction of the Panama Canal, The Meat Inspection Act, his breakups of trusts are few of the many accomplishments and progress made by his presidency. However he did leave Constitutional limits.
  • Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"

    Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle"
    Originally written to support Sinclair's socialist ideas his novel "The Jungle" became widely read across the U.S. The novel details the questionable and heinous conditions and realities of the U.S meat packing industry. The amount of shock this novel created was so severe that when Theodore Roosevelt read it he soon created the "Meat Inspection Act" in order to prevent poor food quality and to maintain safety.
  • Invention of the Model T

    Invention of the Model T
    For the entirety of human history horse related transport was the only available form of personal transportation. Henry Ford and his creation of the Model T and the assembly line made middle class Americans be able to afford a brand new car. The auto industry would go on to revolutionize American society. In the 1920's cars became ingrained within American infrastructure. Cars allowed American to commute and travel faster and easier than ever before while creating a massive amount of new jobs.
  • The Great Migration

    The Great Migration
    Although it had begun before the U.S entering World War 1 much of the Great Migration and its effects took place during the war. Many African American families saw the opportunity to move into cities as many jobs were left open from men who had went overseas to fight in the war. Overall this promoted many African Americans to leave the south to typically move northward mainly in urban areas where they would begin to build enclaves akin to immigrant groups that grew their culture.
  • The Zimmerman Note is Exposed

    The Zimmerman Note is Exposed
    After the nation questions involvement in the Great War a note from a German contract. The note detailed that if Mexico had fought the United States it and Germany would become allies. The plot was discovered by Congress and quickly published becoming nationwide news. Quickly the U.S considers the note an act of war leading to the United States officially entering World War 1.
  • Start of the Harlem Renaissance

    Start of the Harlem Renaissance
    During WW1 many African Americans began moving northwards mainly into cities in order to fill vacant jobs left by men who went to fight overseas. African American communities began to form enclaves where black art and culture thrived. This movement became know as the Harlem Renaissance and its art and culture began to intertwine within white culture with especially in the 1920's.
  • Wilson's 14 Points

    Wilson's 14 Points
    As the Allies began to cover more ground the end of the brutal modernized war was coming soon. The decision of what to do in the present and in the future became a priority for world leaders. President Wilson proposed his 14 Points that addressed how to prevent future war, adjust current borders, and a calling for the creation of a League of nations. Additionally a peace treaty mainly with Germany would also be based accordingly to the 14 Points even though it wasn't put into full effect.
  • The 18th Amendment is Passed

    The 18th Amendment is Passed
    After years of outcry from the temperance movement many within the Federal government agreed with their ideas. This culminated in the conception and passing of the 18th Amendment which completely banned the sale of all alcohol within the U.S. The only exceptions were with medical prescriptions and moderate religious use making all recreational alcohol use and sale illegal. Soon a massive black market for alcohol would emerge with organized crime taking advantage during the prohibition era.
  • Invention of the Radio and Radio Stations in America

    Invention of the Radio and Radio Stations in America
    For over a century information had spread within the United States in the same manner. Newspapers were the only source of information available to the common man. The radio by in the early 1920's revolutionized how Americans gained information but also their entertainment. But the radio could also be used reinforce connections with important figures by hearing them live on air. FDR used the radio during his presidency to connect and give Americans information regarding his policies.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    During the 1920's tensions Communism and Democracy began to arise on the minds of many Americans. The fear of Communism's corrupting influence within the United States created the era of the Red Scare where Communist fear was at an all time high. Part of this fear led to the creation of the Immigration Act of 1924 that sought to limit immigration into the nation as much as possible to prevent waves of "The New Immigrant" from entering and corrupting the U.S.
  • John Scopes Monkey Trial

    John Scopes Monkey Trial
    A case that had involved a substitute teacher John Scopes teaching a class about evolution. This violated a law present within Tennessee that prohibited teachers from providing a secular education. The case gained nationwide notoriety as it sparked discussion on what is or isn't allowed in school curriculums. The trial sparked debate of religious based and secular based education a debate that still continues to this day.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    While other parts o the world had been already suffering from the Great Depression the United States economy was falling victim to the same problem. By 1929 the stock market began to crash creating the Great Depression that would define and haunt Americans in the next decade. Unemployment would reach up to 25% and most Americans struggled as the economy was practically dying. The depression would only be reversed during the second world war as the sheer amount of jobs need would revive the U.S.
  • FDR Introduces The New Deal

    FDR Introduces The New Deal
    In the worst of the Great Depression FDR begins to act unlike president Hoover to heal the U.S economy. He proposes the New Deal which creates a variety of programs and acts designed to stimulate the U.S economy with government funding. The New Deal throughout its versions did help temporarily better the depression but a variety of questions around its constitutionality and mild success was not enough to save the nation from the worst of the economic crisis while creating large debt.
  • Court Packing Scandal

    Court Packing Scandal
    After much ofFDR's New Deal was considered unconstitutional by the Supreme Court FDR became enraged. In response he expands the number of supreme court justices with the new judges being loyal to him. FDR's intentional grab for power didn't go unseen as he was heavily criticized by the public. This moment in history showed how the president could grab as much power as they wanted if they had the leverage to do so.
  • HUAC is Created

    HUAC is Created
    Cold War fears had quickly turned into paranoia with McCarthyism and its spread. However the official form of this fear was the HAUC which questioned those who were alleged to be disloyal to the U.S. Anyone could be accused of being communist and many who fell victim and couldn't shift blame were imprisoned but worst of all were blacklisted from all employers. HAUC and the practices of Joseph McCarthy terrorized and ruined the lives of many innocent people who were merely accused with no basis.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    As the second world war in Europe had begun with Germany, Japan had also began a journey of violent expansionism. Japan began expanding within the pacific and limited trade from the U.S and Asia. The U.S outraged by this places an oil embargo on Japan limiting their oil supply. In a combination of rage against the embargo and seeing the United States as an obstacle Japan attack their main naval base in Pearly Harbor. The surprise attack launches the U.S to join WW2 and begin the U.S war machine.
  • D-Day is Launched

    D-Day is Launched
    After months and years of preparation the U.S prepares to launch a seaborne land invasion of the German occupied French coast. Paratrooper were first sent behind enemy lines to secure vital infrastructure. While thousands of military vessels large and small carried thousands of soldiers onto shore. Aircraft would also support them in the process. The invasion would become a major success in the war as the Allies now begun gaining ground against the German war machine after capturing the coasts.
  • G.I. Bill of Rights is Passed

    G.I. Bill of Rights is Passed
    To thank the massive service provided by 16 million American soldiers FDR signed the G.I. Bill of Rights into effect. The bill gave world war 2 veterans fully paid scholarships and higher education. This gave many Americans who worked in the military the opportunity to gain education to help their future success. Additionally the bill gave veterans access to government provided low-interest loans for housing and businesses.
  • The Policy of Containment is Created

    The Policy of Containment is Created
    In a post war world only the U.S and the newly formed Soviet Union remain as the dominant powers. Seeing Russian expansion and understanding the nature of communism the U.S begins to determine the course of action against communist expansion. George F. Kennan describes "The Policy of Containment" which details an idea of how the U.S should target new growth and the new seeds of communism while not directly attacking the USSR. This policy would dictate the U.S' actions during Cold War tensions.
  • The Marshall Plan is Created

    The Marshall Plan is Created
    The U.S now threatened by a growing Soviet Union needs to protect Europe from its influence. The Marshall Plan is set into place to rebuild the economies and infrastructure of western Europe. Not only does this help the people in European nation that had been devastated during the war but it also helps to prevent desperation that helps to spread acceptance of Communism and its control. In less than a decade Europe had been significantly rebuilt to repel communist influence.
  • (NATO) is Created

    (NATO) is Created
    To help prevent future global conflicts and give security to smaller nations (NATO) was established to its members from global threats. The most majorly important part of NATO membership was Article 5. Article 5 dictates that if any nation apart of NATO is attacked all of the other members would come to that nations defense and war with the offending nation. NATO and its members were designed to help defend from Soviet expansion in Europe.
  • Joseph McCarthy Presents His First List

    Joseph McCarthy Presents His First List
    Anti-communist ideals had been spreading in the U.S since the end of WW2. But senator Joseph McCarthy would be infamous for presenting lists of communist supporters within the government. In particular he pointed out the department of State as they responsible for foreign policy and relations. However he never said the names on his lists creating great paranoia. Anyone could be a suspected communist and those accused had to either accuse others or be blacklisted from their jobs or imprisoned.
  • Coviction and Execution of the Rosenburgs

    Coviction and Execution of the Rosenburgs
    In the era of rising tensions between the U.S and the USSR the thought of communist spies alerted American society and government. A small amount of real communist spies would be discovered and Julius and Ethel Rosenburg would be a major case. The Rosenburgs had been discovered passing information about U.S atomic weapons to the USSR. They were soon arrested and executed for espionage and would raise the America on high alert against anyone suspected to be a communist spy or sympathizer.
  • U.S Stalemates Against North Korea

    U.S Stalemates Against North Korea
    After supporting South Korea from the communist North Korea and pushing North Korean forces to the border China intervenes. A newly communist China aids their sibling and sends 1 million troops into North Korea pushing U.S troops back to the 38th parallel where North and South Korea are still divided to this day. The Korean War in general was among the first times where the U.S' Policy of Containment had not worked fully and created a new rival with China now supporting the USSR.
  • Brown V. Board

    Brown V. Board
    Thurgood Marshall in defense of school girl Linda Brown challenged the reality of the "separate but equal" policies from Plessy V. Ferguson. He argued that segregated infrastructure within the United states was absolutely separate but no equal at all in quality or availability for black infrastructure compared to white infrastructure. The Supreme Court agreed with Marshall and overturned the rulings of Plessy V. Ferguson allowing African American children to attend and enter white schools.
  • Murder of Emmet Till

    Murder of Emmet Till
    After visiting family in Mississippi 14 year old Emmet Till was kidnapped and later found brutally murdered by 2 men. Allegedly Till had cat called a white woman prompting the two men to beat and murder the young boy. This incident would be one of many major incidents that sowed the seeds for the future Civil Rights movement as the African American became horrified from this crime as the killers boasted and bragged about it publicly.
  • Interstate Highway Act

    Interstate Highway Act
    For the few decades cars had become available to most middle and upper class Americans roads had remained small and slow. Inspired by a personal story Dwight Eisenhower proposes the construction of a multi-lane high speed interstate highway system spanning the entire nation. A system that would connect every town and city with fast efficient travel with consistent quality and speed. The interstate in the case of Russian or foreign attack could be used to transport civilians or the military.
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott Begins

    The Montgomery Bus Boycott Begins
    The NAACP organizes a plan to establish less segregationist laws. They start by using Rosa Parks who was a member to sit toward the front of a bus and not give up her seat knowing she would be arrested. The use of Rosa Parks was fully intentional as being a middle-aged woman she didn't pose a threat yet she was still arrested. 40,000 black supporters all boycotted bus companies in Montgomery in advance starving the bus companies of 75% or their business forcing them to support the NAACP.
  • The Little Rock Nine

    The Little Rock Nine
    After Brown V. Board African Americans were technically able to enter white schools legally. However societal pressures from racism scared the majority of African American families from entering their children into an all white school fearing for their safety. In Little Rock Arkansas was chosen to be the first high school to become racially integrated. Only 9 African American children entered that school and would create great protests, riots, and even federal intervention from racist backlash.
  • Russia Launches Sputnik One

    Russia Launches Sputnik One
    Following the advancement of Russian nuclear weapons the Russians also launched the first satellite into orbit. The U.S fears that satellites could be weaponized in some way or house nuclear weapons that would impossible to defend. The U.S responds by improving their technology to compete with Russian space technology initiating the Space Race. As a whole the Space Race was meant to reassure technological superiority which was threatened as Russia initially was surpassing American technology.
  • The U.S discovers Russia's First ICBM's

    The U.S discovers Russia's First ICBM's
    In the post WW2 world it was no secret that by 1949 the USSR had developed its own nuclear bombs. However they would develop their own ICBM's in 1957 that would greatly extend the range of nuclear attack. Combined with Cuba's becoming a communist nation the U.S was now vulnerable to be attacked by nuclear weapons with the entire nation being within range of attack. This changed American society as the threat of destruction was now constant as nowhere in the U.S was safe.
  • M.A.D is Established

    M.A.D is Established
    During the already rising tensions between the U.S and USSR after WW2 the USSR created their own nuclear weapons by 1949. The fear of worldwide nuclear war was now not just a fear but a potential reality. Mutually Assured Destruction(M.A.D) dictated that the U.S would use all nuclear weapons if the USSR were to begin attacking the U.S with their weapons. This policy and the U.S's legitimate use of nuclear weapons likely kept the USSR in check from directly attacking the U.S out of fear.
  • Presidential Debate of 1960

    Presidential Debate of 1960
    As the 1960 election was approaching the time for the presidential debate had come. Candidates Richard Nixon and JFK begin the debate. However this was the first ever televised debate in history and JFK had better knowledge of using television than Nixon. Nixon who debated traditionally on tv looked nervous, unfit, and un-presidential when compared to the young and stately JFK. JFK's connection with the tv audience had helped him to win the election, placing tv's power in media and politics.
  • The Lunch Counter Sit-Ins

    The Lunch Counter Sit-Ins
    In Greensboro North Carolina 4 black college students began to protest the lack of service at Lunch Counters at a mall. Despite being arrested they continued to sit at the lunch counters taking up space and repeating the process for months. Gradually more protestors joined and like the bus boycott starved the mall of revenue as black customers weren't buying anything and the protests repelled white customers away. This type of protest demonstrated the economic power the black community had.
  • The Bay of Pigs Operation Fails

    The Bay of Pigs Operation Fails
    Under Eisenhower seeing that Cuba had become a communist nation led by Fidel Castro something needed to be done to prevent Communism so close to the U.S. Eisenhower designed invasion of the Bay of Pigs which would have Cuban refugees to be supported , supplied, and trained by the U.S to invade Cuba from the Bay of Pigs. A key part of the plan involved support from the U.S Bombers and Navy. JFK inherits the plan and removes U.S support and the operation fails, Cuba remains a threat to the U.S.
  • Tragedy of the Freedom Riders

    Tragedy of the Freedom Riders
    Organized by SNCC a group of college age black and white students went to test a new law that restricted segregation in basic services. One particular bus of kids went to a stop in Birmingham where waiting for the was a mob of white protestors waiting to attack. Commissioner "Bull" Connor intentionally delays police interference for 15 minutes allowing the mob to brutally injure the students after forcing the out of their bus by lighting it on fire. Proving that legislation had not done enough.
  • The Grozny is Repelled

    The Grozny is Repelled
    After the terrifying discovery of (ICBM) launch sites in Cuba the U.S was quick to blockade all of Cuba to prevent shipments of nuclear weapons. Soon the Russian ship the Grozny was approaching Cuba with a delivery of nuclear weapons. The Russian and American naval ships stood off for hours before the Grozny was finally ordered by Soviet leader Krushchev to retreat to Russia. This incident was the closest the world had ever come to nuclear war making it a major U.S victory as Cuba was unarmed.
  • The Children's Crusade

    The Children's Crusade
    Hundreds of school age children participate in the Civil Rights movement by leaving their schools in protest. They continue to stage walkouts repeatedly until Commissioner "Bull" Connor orders Police K9 units and fire hoses to assault the protesting children. The children would be rounded up and housed in animal pens under police custody for their parents to pick them up. This incident in particular finally moved JFK to support the Civil Rights movement as he had been quiet before hand.
  • LBJ Establishes "The Great Society"

    LBJ Establishes "The Great Society"
    After serving his first own term LBJ raised from poverty seeks to eliminate it. Inspired by FDR, LBJ creates his own set of plans and policies to help the lower class. Various organizations from the Job Corps, Medicare, etc. is designed to help those in need. Many of these projects and organization under LBJ's administration are still operating and impacting Americans lives to this day both in a positive and negative way.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    After alleged enemy fire on U.S troops were detected upon U.S naval ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. Eventually the incident would allow the president LBJ to posses a blank check to send as much federal funds to the war effort as he wanted. This completely bypasses the checks and balances of the Federal government. The blank check and Johnson's promises of the Vietnam War's end had only prolonged the war further. Soon many would refer to the war in Vietnam as Johnson's war.
  • (SALT) Negotiations

    (SALT) Negotiations
    Tensions during the Cold War were still very high and present to America as a whole. Nuclear weapons had no agreed upon limitations with the USSR. Richard Nixon would soon change this as during the first (SALT) conference America and president Nixon finally began negotiations and agreements to limit nuclear capacity. For the first time in history nuclear weapons had an agreed upon limit.
  • Pentagon Papers are Revealed

    Pentagon Papers are Revealed
    Classified documents from the Pentagon relating to the war in Vietnam would be leaked to theAmerican Public. The "Pentagon Papers" revealed that end of the war was no where near what LBJ had stated countless times. Protests against the war only kept growing and those who weren't vocally protesting began growing a great distrust with the government and its false promises,
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    Conflicts between Egypt and Israel had garnered international attention after much conflict in the Middle East. President Jimmy Carter began to negotiate for peace under the Camp David Accords which Egypt and Israel had both agreed to. During the Cold War era this was beneficial as it helped to ease tensions within the Middle East.
  • INF Treaty

    INF Treaty
    The First two (SALT) conferences had made massive amount of progress regarding restrictions of nuclear weapons between communist nations and the United States. A treaty between both president Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was signed to heavily restrict the stock of certain nuclear warhead variations. Reagan and Gorbachev's positive relationship helped to create safety during the last years of the Cold War. Soon 4 years after the treaty was signed the Soviet Union collapsed.