literacy timeline-skylar smith

  • three little monkeys

    three little monkeys
    this story was read to me when i was 4 as a bed time story
  • tying shoes

    tying shoes
    when i was 6 i learned to tie my shoes
  • fishing

    i was taught how to fish at the age of 7 havent quit since
  • learning to ride a bike

    learning to ride a bike
    i first learned to ride a bike when i was around age 8
  • hunting

    ive been hunting since i was around 11
  • the first time i read a book

    the first time i read a book
    i read my first full back at age 12 which was hugo cabret
  • fire depatment in bell county

    fire depatment in bell county
    i am a volunteer fireman in bell county ive been there since i was 13
  • learning to drive a stick ( 5 speed )

    learning to drive a stick ( 5 speed )
    i was taught to drive a stick around the age of 13
  • playing guitar

    playing guitar
    i learned last year how to play guitar ( not good but kinda good )
  • backyard boxing

    backyard boxing
    i was taught to box this year