Lifespan Timeline

  • Weight 6-8lbs

  • Period: to


    Pulse: 90 - 180 bpm
    Respirations: 30 - 60 breaths/min
    Blood Pressure: 50 - 700 mm Hg
    Temp: 98 - 100 degrees
  • Weight 30 grams/day

  • Nose Breathing

  • Moro Reflex, Rooting Reflex, Suckling Reflex, Palmar Grasp

  • Communication through crying

  • Bonding Begins

    Leads to secure attachment if caregiver is responsive
    Leads to anxious-avoidant attachment if repeatedly rejected
  • Period: to


    Pulse: 100 - 160 bpm
    Respirations: 25 - 50 breaths/min
    Blood Pressure: 70 - 95 mm Hg
    Temp: 98.6 - 99.6 degrees
  • Posterior Fontanelles Fuse

  • Anerior Fontanelle Fuses

  • Separation Anxiety

  • Neuromuscular Growth

    Learn to use full nervous system through play and excercise
  • Period: to


    Pulse: 90 - 150 bpm
    Respirations: 20 - 30 breaths/min
    Blood Pressure: 80 - 100 mm Hg
    Temp: 96.8 - 99.6 degrees
  • Trust/Mistrust Development

  • Lungs Continue to Develope

  • Loss of Passive Immunity

  • Understanding of Cause and effect

  • Potty Training Completed

  • Teething

  • Begin interaction with peers (playing)

  • Transition from need based language use to creative language use

  • Recognition of Sexual Differences through observation of role models

  • Period: to


    Pulse: 80 - 140 bpm
    Respirations: 20 - 25 breaths/min
    Blood Pressure: 80 - 100 mm Hg
    Temp: 98.6 degrees
  • Mastery of Basic Language

  • Brain at 90% adult weight

  • Increased muscle mass and bone density

  • Grow 4lbs, 2.5" / year

  • Period: to

    School Age

    Pulse: 70 - 120 bpm
    Respirations: 15 - 20 breaths/min
    Blood Pressure: 80 - 110 mm Hg
    Temp: 98.6 degrees
  • Increased brain function in both hemispheres

  • Permanent Teeth begin to emerge

  • Self-concept and Sel-esteem begin to develope

  • Development of preconventional/conventional/postconventional reasoning

  • Self-consciousness arises

  • 2-3 year growth spurt begins

  • Secondary Sexual Development Begins

    endocrine and reproductive systems mature
  • Conflict arises as need for independency increases

  • Period: to


    Pulse: 60 - 100 bpm
    Respirations: 12 - 20 breaths/min
    Blood Pressure: 90 - 110 mm Hg
    Temp: 98.6 degrees
  • Anti-social behavior peaks

  • Girl Growthspurt Ends

  • Drug/Alchohol use likely begins

  • Boy Growthspurt ends

  • Muscle mass/bone density almost to adult levels

  • Lifelong Habits solidified

  • relfexes, and muscle growth slow

  • Disks in spine settle

  • Ability to eat without gaining weight tapers off

  • Period: to

    Early Adult

    Pulse: 60 - 100 bpm
    Respirations: 12 - 20 breaths/min
    Blood Pressure: 90 - 140 mm Hg
    Temp: 98.6 degrees
  • Body functions at optimal level

  • Work, stress, and family are the key points at this time

  • Need to settle down develops

  • Vulnerability to vision and hearing loss

  • Cancer risk increases

  • Underlying Health Problems become evident

    hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, weight problems, etc
  • Period: to

    Middle Adult

    Pulse: 60 - 100 bpm
    Respirations: 12 - 20 breaths/min
    Blood Pressure: 90 - 140 mm Hg
    Temp: 98.6 degrees
  • Midlife Crisis/Empty Nest Syndrome

  • Menopause

  • Focus on achieving life's goals

  • Digestive System Diminishes

    nutritional intake diminshes
    tastebuds lose sensitivity
    saliva secretion decreases
    loss of chewing ability
    intestinal contraction ability reduced
  • Period: to

    Late Adult

    Vitals Depend on Health
  • Vitals Entirely Dependent on overall health

  • The Heart Gets Weaker

    everything starts shutting down/wearing out
  • Respitory System Deminishes

    Airway size increases
    Alveoli surface area decreases
    Decreases cough and gag reflex
    Decreased ability to clear secreases
    Decreased upper airway function
  • Endocrine System Diminishes

    Insulin Production drops
    metabolism decreases
    rigidity of the penis decreases
    hormone production decreases
    secual desire still present
  • Renal System Decreases

    Kidney function declines
    Filtration drops by 50%
    Nephron count drops
  • Nervous System Decreases

    Brain weight decreases 10-20%
    motor and sensory ability decline
    Loss of neurons results in changing sleep patterns
    more susceptible to head trauma
    kinesthetic sense decreased
    reflexes slow and environmental awareness is reduced
  • Money problems become most prominent concern

  • Sensory Changes

    Vision and hearing can be reduced
    Eye muscles lose motion
    visual distortions common
    close-focus diminished
    perepheral vision diminshed
  • Face their own mortality as friends and loved ones die

  • Increasingly dependent on their loved ones for support, be it emotional/physical/ or financial

  • If needs are met, capable of maintiaining a productive and happy lifestyle

  • Cardiac function declines

    Largely related to atherosclerosis
  • Terminal-Drop Hypothesis

    Five years before death, brain function presumed to decline