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Lewis Keseberg

  • keseberg is born

  • Lewis Keseberg gets married

    Lewis Keseberg gets married
    He got married to Philipine Zimmerman and had 2 children a son named Lewis and a daughter named Ada
  • Keseberg comes to America

    Keseberg comes to America
    He came from Germany once he was there he heard about travelling west and joined the Donner Party.
  • keseberg starts his journey

    keseberg starts his journey
    Here the traveling begins as the party eagerly awaits the new trail to cut the way short by 400 miles
  • Period: to

    donner party gets stuck

    On the way to california the donner party got stuck in sierra Nevada and set up camp there. They quickly realized it was going to be longer than they thought and resources were being diminished quicker than everyone thought.
  • Keseberg kicks out Belgian Hardkoop

    Keseberg kicks out Belgian Hardkoop
    On this day Lewis Keseberg kicked Belgian Hardkoop out of their wagon. Hardkoop was 60 years old, so he did not walk very far until he sat down and died alongside the trail. People got super angry at him because they knew that Belgian would die without a wagon.
  • Keseberg's daughter dies

    Keseberg's daughter dies
    dies of starvation on the trail
  • Period: to

    keseberg continues to battle false rumors

  • Keseberg's son dies

    Keseberg's son dies
    dies of starvation on the trail
  • keseberg is found

    keseberg is found
    When the rescue party found Keseberg he was surrounded with bones and kettles of human blood where he described how the Donners died and he had eaten her fat and flesh. This is when Keseberg was declared a cannibal He then began to described how he got 4 pounds of fat off her body and exclaimed how it was the best flesh he ever tasted. He even said later he prefered human flesh over pork or beef.
  • keseberg sues

    keseberg sues
    Keseberg sued other donner party members for spreading false information about him in the end he only got $1. He ended up losing more money than he earned.
  • keseberg's wife dies

    keseberg's wife dies
    On this day Philipine Keseberg passed away which lead Keseberg to have more stress and into a greater depression.
  • Period: to

    Keseberg continues deeper into depression

  • keseberg dies

    keseberg dies
    Keseberg dies and to this day it is not known if he died of starvation or was killed by near by Native American tribes.
  • Diary of Patrick Breen

    Diary of Patrick Breen
    This diary is by Patrick Breen, one of the Donner Party members. It is his account of all experiences during this time. However, it is heavily places Keseberg as a cannibalistic monster.