Leadership Development Summer 2013

  • First Week of Classes

    Speaking and making an ask.
    A mini speed game
  • Period: to

    Summer Leadership Development Program

  • Event Hosting

    How to plan and host an event
    makings asks
    writing agendas
    giving speeches
    understanding metrics
    Guest: Aylinn Inmon
  • Field Check-In

    A prep for The Williams Effect event.
    What is expected and how to do it
  • The Williams Effect

    The Williams Effect
    Caras Park, 400 Attendees
  • Midterm Check-in & Final Projects

  • Campaign Organizing

    Campaign Organizing
    Voter registration: get the pink bunnies out
    GOTV (canvassing and making calls.
    Guest presenter: Brennen Cain
  • Scripts and Speaking

    How to be persuasive
    Possibly a guest speaker?
  • Campaign Organizing

    All about recruitment and how to do it
    Guest: Hannah Reagan
  • Period: to


    individual midterm check-ins
  • Week 8: Field Check-in

    Week 8: Field Check-in
    Review of final projects
    and a little bit of Storm Clouds and rainbows
  • Field Check-in

    talk about final event and project
  • Networking

    5 mentor-types
    and 5 suggestions of possible interns
  • Period: to

    Mystery Event

    Some sort of final project/ mistery event held by the Interns
  • Final Week of Class

  • Period: to

    One-on-One Exit Interviews