Language Milestones- Addy

By twu2019
  • 0-3 Months (FORM)

    0-3 Months (FORM)
    Addy has begun cooing and going. Her cooing and going consist mainly of vowel-like sounds.
  • 0-3 Months (USE)

    0-3 Months (USE)
    Addy pays more attention to infant-direct speech versus adult-like speech. She likes when her mom talks to her in high pitch "baby talk".
  • 0-3 Months (CONTENT)

    0-3 Months (CONTENT)
    She turns towards mom when mom is speaking. She has started to try and mimic mouth movements.
  • Period: to


  • 3-6 Months (CONTENT)

    3-6 Months (CONTENT)
    Addy has started to laugh when mom and dad "play" stuffed animals with her. She also smiles when she sees mom/dad.
  • 3-6 Months (USE)

    3-6 Months (USE)
    Addy has started recognizing her name by turning toward the source of the voice.
  • 3-6 Months (FORM)

    3-6 Months (FORM)
    Addy has started playing with the loudness and pitch of her voice. When she is happy she squeals.
  • 6-9 Months (USE)

    6-9 Months (USE)
    Addy has gotten better at rejecting things she does not want to do. Ex: When she was given broccoli she pushed the plate away.
  • 6-9 Months (FORM)

    6-9 Months (FORM)
    Addy started practicing reduplicated babbling. Her most common CV pair is "da da da" and "ma ma ma"
  • 6-9 Months (CONTENT)

    6-9 Months (CONTENT)
    Addy has started looking at her dog when the dog's mentioned. She is also starting to understand when she is told "no".
  • 9-12 Months (FORM)

    9-12 Months (FORM)
    Addy has begun using jargon in her babbling. She likes looking at books and reading them in her own way with a few real words slipped into the mix.
  • 9-12 Months (CONTENT)

    9-12 Months (CONTENT)
    Addy says her first word "dog" while at the park. This is her first real word besides "mama" and "dada"
  • 9-12 Months (USE)

    9-12 Months (USE)
    Addy has started pointing to objects that she wants and has started trying to gesture to parents. She pointed to her milk on the counter whenever she was thirsty.
  • Period: to


  • 16 Months (FORM)

    16 Months (FORM)
    On this day, Addy's dad wants her to wear a pink dress and Addy said " No, dada"
    Addy and her parents go for a walk and they see a dog. Addy says "gog"
    Addy was drinking milk and said, "more milk" meaning that she wanted more milk.
  • 16 Months (CONTENT)

    16 Months (CONTENT)
    While playing, dad asks, "Addy, where's your mouth?" Addy points to her mouth and laughs.
    Dad and Addy are reading a book. Dad points at a cow. "What is this?'' Addy response "moo".
  • 16 Months (USE)

    16 Months (USE)
    Addy's sister takes her doll. Addy says " No mine"
    Addy points to a picture of dad and says," dada"
  • 20 Months (FORM)

    20 Months (FORM)
    Mom asks "What's your name" and Addy says "me Addy".
    Addy puts her shoes in the closet after hearing her mom say " Put your shoes in the closet".
  • 20 Months (USE)

    20 Months (USE)
    On this day, Addy sees a spider on the floor. She points and says "What's that?"
    As Addy plays with dolls she starts to talk to herself about what she is doing.
  • 20 Months (CONTENT)

    20 Months (CONTENT)
    While eating lunch, Dad asks Addy if she wants more apples. Addy shakes her head to indicate no.
    Addy's new favorite book is " Brown bear, Brown bear, What do you See" and wants dad to read it every day.
  • 24 Months (CONTENT)

    24 Months (CONTENT)
    On this day Addy referred herself by name. When asked what is your name she said "Addy."
  • 24 Months (FORM)

    24 Months (FORM)
    On this day Addy used present progressive -ing when she said "shh baby sleeping."
  • 24 Months (USE)

    24 Months (USE)
    On this day Addy showed more caution towards a stranger. When a new person walked into the room Addy showed no interest towards the person and wanted to be held.
  • 28 Months (FORM)

    28 Months (FORM)
    At this point Addy now uses present progressive morpheme -ing with mastery.
  • 28 Months (USE)

    28 Months (USE)
    Addy is starting to engage in short dialogues. She was able to stay on topic when talking about playdough.
  • 28 Months (CONTENT)

    28 Months (CONTENT)
    Addy is overgeneralizing about 1/3 of new words. She uses categorical overextension when referring to all liquids as orange juice.
  • 32 Months (FORM)

    32 Months  (FORM)
    On this day Addy used preposition when she said "uh oh grape fell on floor."
  • 32 Months (USE)

    32 Months (USE)
    Addy is begging to ask for permission before doing certain things. She also talks to herself when playing alone.
  • 32 Months (CONTENT)

    32 Months (CONTENT)
    Addy is starting to ask simple questions more often. She is starting to ask why for a lot of situations.
  • Period: to


  • 36-42 Months (FORM)

    36-42 Months (FORM)
    -While at the grocery store, Addy recognized that the word “toy” rhymes with “boy”
    -While eating a snack, Addy recognized that her name and “apple” had the same beginning sound
    -Sometimes Addy replaces “r” with “w”. For example, she asked “can I see your wing” when referring to her mother’s wedding ring.
    -Addy is able to produce compound sentences. She told her sister, “I want to play with you and my friends at the park.”

    -Addy asked her mom, “can I play now or later?”
  • 36-42 Months (CONTENT)

    36-42 Months (CONTENT)
    -While Addy was playing at the park with her sister, she asked another girl “do you want to play with us?”
    -Addy points at a group of boys and says, "they are running fast."
    -While Addy’s mom was looking for her keys, Addy yelled out “they’re over here, mommy”
    -Addy is able to distinguish between opposite pairs. While eating dinner, Addy notices that her sister’s hair is long while hers is short.
  • 36-42 Months (USE)

    36-42 Months (USE)
    -After a long day at the zoo, Addy told her parents “I am tired after walking at the zoo.”
    -On a cold day, Addy said “let's put our jackets on so we don’t get cold.”
    -Addy told her sister, “i'm going to play with my dolls, do you want to play with me?”
    -At bedtime, Addy told her dad “first we brush our teeth, then we go to bed.”
  • 42-48 Months (FORM)

    42-48 Months (FORM)
    -For the first time, Addy produced “slime” correctly. Before, she would produce “lime”
    -Addy is only missing /tʃ/ and /ʒ/ in her consonant inventory
    -Addy yelled “I don’t want to go the the doctor”
    -At the pet store, Addy said “can I pet the dog” and “I want a “dog”
    -Addy told her grandma on facetime, “it rained yesterday”
    -Addy is able to produce 4 to 7 word sentences. She told her dad, “I like eating cookies after dinner.”
  • 42-48 Months (CONTENT)

    42-48 Months (CONTENT)
    -When Addy heard her sister crying she asked, “did Peyton hurt herself?”
    -When Addy saw a person riding a motorcycle, she said “look at that bike.”
    -Addy overheard her sister say “this is my ruffle shirt” and was able to determine that “ruffle” was an adjective.
  • 48-54 Months (FORM)

    48-54 Months (FORM)
    1. Addy and her mother went to an ice cream shop. "Mommy, I would like to get chocolate ice-cream. Can I get it?" 2.Addy loves playing outside with her dogs, and has been saying, "They are crazy, Momma."
    2. Addy has been mentioning at school to her friends about the names of her 3 dog. She says, "I have 3 dogs. Their names are Harley, Sam, and Minnie!"
    3. Addy tells her sister, "If we can play my game first, we will play you game after."
  • 42-48 Months (USE)

    42-48 Months (USE)
    Addy engaged in three conversational turns while talking to her sister about the movie Moana. Addy said, “I want to watch Moana.” Peyton replied, “no." Addy responds, “I love Moana, she sings pretty.” Peyton says, “I like Frozen better.” Addy replies, “we can watch frozen later.”
    -After going to Braum’s with her dad, Addy tells her mom, “Mommy, i got ice cream with daddy...mine was chocolate with sprinkles."
    -At bedtime, Addy tells her sister a story about a dog that can fly.
  • 48-54 Months (CONTENT)

    48-54 Months (CONTENT)
    1.) During play time at school, Addy asks her best friend, "What game do you like?"
    2.) At school, Addy likes to pick things that are the color blue, especially her pencil and bean bags. She tells her teacher that her favorite color is purple.
    3.) Addy and her sister are playing simon says. When her sister prompts her saying, "Simon says to jump up in the air 4x," she jumps 4 times. She understands the concept of the # 4.
    4.) At home, Addy's mom likes to work counting. She can count to 15.
  • 48-54 Months (USE)

    48-54 Months (USE)
    1. Addy's preschool is hosting a art presentation. She tells her mom, "This is my picture, and this is my friends, Peyton." 2.Her mom has noticed Addy narrating stories as she plays with her favorite stuffed animals in her room. 3 Addy has been helping her mom set the table for dinner. She tells her mom, " I did a good job. I do good setting plates."
    2. Addy was telling her mom which one of her dogs was not being nice to her. "I thought she was my friend, but she pushed me over. Now I am sad."
  • 54-60 Months- USE

    54-60 Months- USE
    -A enjoys playing w/ her stuffed animal unicorns. A plays dress up with them & lines them up by color.
    -While at preschcool, A has 2 friends she plays with. A is sure to tell you they are her bffs & comes home each day to tell stories about what they did together.
    -Each weekend A asks her parents if they can "go shopping somewhere new."
    -A watches her sister, P, trying to play hop scotch. A says she can jump better than her, P says, NO I can. They begin to play as if it is a competition.
  • 54-60 Months- CONTENT

    54-60 Months- CONTENT
    -A and her family are outside playing. They ask her to point to a red, blue, green, and yellow sand toy. She is able to correctly pick each out.
    -The teacher asks A, "What did you eat for lunch?" A replies, i had pizza
    -A shows off at the dinner table how she learned the days of the week at school.
    -A came home to tell her mom about the butterfly they saw while playing outside on the playground. She was sure to mention her best friend, Maggie was there as well.
  • 54-60 Months- FORM

    54-60 Months- FORM
    -A has successfully has form in future tense sentences. She was playing with her sister and said, "P, i will be back later to play with you."
    -A drew two unicorns on a piece of paper. She told her mom, "this one is big like you, and this one is small like me."
    -A gets in trouble when she does not pick up her mess in her room after playing. She tells her mom, "It was P that did it!!"
    - A is beginning to use reflexive pronouns correctly. She is using herself, myself, and themselves.