Labor during the Great Depression

  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The stock market crash was the result of a panic that set in on America. The value of stocks had been slowly dropping and on this day, also known as "Black Tuesday," stockholders rushed to sell their stocks.
  • New York's Bank of the US Collapses

    New York's Bank of the US Collapses
    This was the largest single bank failure in American history, having over $200 million deposited.
  • Food Riots

    Food Riots
    Food riots break out across the United States. Citizens break through the windows of grocery stores and steal food; it is finally stopped by over 100 policemen.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt is Elected President

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt is Elected President
  • Industrial Disease #1 - Silicosis

    Industrial Disease #1 - Silicosis
    Donato Rico created the wood engraving "Industrial Disease #1 - Silicosis," portraying the struggles faced by miners.
  • Fireside Chats

    Fireside Chats
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivers his first fireside chat, speaking over the radio to encourage Americans and keep them informed
  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    Civilian Conservation Corps
    Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was established as an employment program for young men. Men work in the forest, national parks, and federal land
  • The National Industrial Recovery Act

    The National Industrial Recovery Act
    Takes a minimal control over wage and price variations. Section 7(a) gives the right to organize and bargain, resulting in the establishment of the National Labor Board.
  • Slaugher of Livestock

    Slaugher of Livestock
    The Federal Agriculture Program calls for the slaughter of millions of pigs, trying to stabilize prices. There is an uproar in the United States over the wasted meat.
  • Sweat Shop

    Sweat Shop
    Boris Gorelick's lithrograph "Sweat Shop" offers insight into the conditions of workers during the Great Depression
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    This employs millions of people all over the United States to work on public service projects.
  • Last Shift

    Last Shift
    Michael Gallagher's lithograph titled "Last Shift" portrayed the gloominess and burdens of industry during the Great Depression.
  • Roosevelt Recession

    Roosevelt Recession
    The gradual progress made by the New Deal faces a setback. Unemployment begins to rise again, and Roosevelt's critics call this the "Roosevelt Recession."