Korean and Vietnam Comparison

  • 38th Parallel

    38th Parallel
    Korea is divided in two at the 38th parallel. It is the boundary between the Democratic's People Republic of Korea (North) and the Republic of Korea (South).
  • End of WWII

    End of WWII
    Korea: Korea becomes divided nation. The north having surrendered to Soviet forces and south to the US. Vietnam: France controls Vietnam. Nationalist independence movements first arise (Ho Chi Min). Nationalists found the Vietminh League.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    President Truman declares that the US should give support to countries or people threatened by Soviet/communist forces.
  • United Nations gets involved

    United Nations gets involved
    North Koreans sweep across 38th parallel in surprise attack on south. UN forces get involved due to the South’s plea. Capitalist nations send troops and supplies to the South while China and USSR defend the communists. Soviets refuse to go to meeting so they can’t veto the plan to send international force to stop Korean invasion.
  • Douglas MacArthur

    Douglas MacArthur
    North Koreans control almost entire peninsula. Douglas MacArthur launches surprise attack. Half North Koreans surrendered others retreated.
  • Cease-fire Agreement

    Cease-fire Agreement
    UN forces and North Korea sign a cease-fire agreement. Border is set at 38th parallel.
  • 17th Parallel

    17th Parallel
    International Peace Conference in Geneva takes place and Vietnam is divided at 17 north latitude. North becomes communist and the South sets up capitalist government by the US and France.
  • In need of troops

    In need of troops
    US realizes they need more troops which Congress authorizes. 185,000 are in combat on Japanese soil by late 1965. Bombs are being heavily used.
  • Vietnamization

    Vietnamization. Nixon plans to gradually pull out US troops while South Vietnamese increase their combat role. Nixon authorizes bombing on NV and neighboring countries.
  • Victorious North Vietnamese

    Victorious North Vietnamese
    Victorious North Vietnamese control the South. People are sent to “reeducation camps” for Communist training. 1.5 million people flee Vietnam.
  • Relations normalized

    Relations normalized
    United States normalizes relation with Vietnam