
Key Events Leading to the War of 1812 and the War of 1812

By maci1
  • Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality

    Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality
    A group of European allies and France were fighting against one another. The Federalists believed that America didn’t need to upset Britain and the Republicans believed in an alliance with France. This back and forth leads the United States to a neutral stand in the European quarrels.
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    The events leading to the War of 1812

    This timeline contains different battles, documents, people, and meetings. Not only is it the lead-up to the war and the war itself, but it also contains some of the aftermaths of the war.
  • Jay Treaty

    Jay Treaty
    A treaty stating that the British would vacate the North-Western colonies by June 1st, 1796. This setup and a system in which America could have commercial prosperity. This treaty was ultimately a failure as it allowed the British to still occupy some forts on US soil.
  • Washington’s Farewell Address

    Washington’s Farewell Address
    George Washington’s farewell address which was worked on by both Hamilton and Washington discusses many of the issues our government was facing and will continue to face. Washington writes this address before stepping down, and his decision to step down will become a rule for every President to follow.
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
    The captain of the Leopard intercepted the USS Chesapeake. The captain of the USS Chesapeake, James Barron refused to present his crew and let the captain of the Leopard inspect his ship. The Leopard's Captain responded to this act with a barrage of broadsides, this resulted in three Americans being killed and wounded eight. Then British officers boarded the USS Chesapeake and seized the deserters.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    Embargo Act 1807
    The Embargo Act was a response to the impressment of American men. The Embargo Act of 1807 bans all the trade the US conducts with foreign countries.
  • Impressment of American sailors

    Impressment of American sailors
    The American sailors were being seized off of their vessels and forced to serve in the Royal forces. The British justified the action by saying that independence only happened a couple of years ago and that means they are still somewhat British. This angered the American Government as they were essentially holding citizens as hostages.
  • War Hawks

    War Hawks
    A group in Congress primarily made up of younger Western and Southern Congressmen. Henry Clay was the major face of this group. The group advocated for war against Britain and the Indians. They are the ones that bring the pressure upon the President to declare war. The War Hawks pushed to acquire Canada and Florida.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    War of 1812 Begins
    Congress has finally decided that they wanted to go to war with Britain and filled their war declaration. With the men that they impressed they were winning against the French and therefore had more resources to devote towards the American war. The Americans began this war with a plan to invade Canada but this fails entirely.
  • Tecumseh

    A Shawnee chief that believed in fighting the Americans. He believed that Natives needed to fight tooth and nail against the settlers to retain their land. Tecumseh aligned with Britain to fight America as he believed this alliance would get the Indians their land back. Ultimately he was killed at the Battle of Thames and that led to his native confederacy to dispan.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
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    Hartford Convention

    This convention began during the early stages of the War in an effort to expand the Federalist party but inevitably was their demise. A few members of the Federalist party attempt to make their own nation and succeed from the union. They threatened this as they thought we would lose the war but America wins before they can carry out their plan. This makes them look foolish and people start to disassociate with the Federalists.
    “United we stand, divided we fall.” -Aesop
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    This was the largest victory for the US during the war. This was a result of the British being unable to take Baltimore, so they moved ahead with their plan to attack New Orleans. This was the battle that made Andrew Jackson an American hero and set him on a path to become President in 13 years.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    This treaty basically called for a cease-fire between Britain and the States. No land was exchanged and nothing was lost or received by either country.