Kennedy Zambrano September 2018

  • Uncle Chris´s wedding

    Uncle Chris´s wedding
    Uncle Chris´s wedding was the first party that I remember going to. It showed me that everyone cared about coming together and wanted to celebrate my uncles happiness and love with my now aunt. It was the first time I saw my dads side of the family enjoying themselves and having fun at the same time. Due to that it taught me to not feel shy in front of them.
  • The day I met my bestfriend

    The day I met my bestfriend
    I met my bestfriend the first day if pre-k. We still are bestfriends. Her friendships means a lot to me because when i was small I had a speech problem and she understood me. She never made me feel dumb. She also always made me feel included.
  • First Vacation

    First Vacation
    This was a very scary and exciting memory for me because I was forced to go on vacation with my grandparents and aunt and uncle to Rhode Island. My mom and dad did not go because they had work. I remember crying the whole car ride because i missed them. My sister was trying to cheer me up but it did not work. I feel bad for whoever was in the car!!
  • Mom died

    Mom died
    July 11th, 2007 was the day I lost my mom. She died from a brain aneurysm. That day I suffered from one of the biggest heart breaks I am ever going to have. Me and my older sister got told in different ways. We got through it together. Losing my mom gave me a worry that sticks with me to this day that someone is going to die suddenly so I should taken in the little moments I have with people. It was a big loss in my life but also taught me a lot.
  • My family grew close

    My family grew close
    After the loss of my mom, my family and I became really close. Me and my sister had to deal with a lot of grief and had the help from our family. During the holidays especially. We all took a picture together for a christmas card!
  • Grandma died

    Grandma died
    In 2009 I discovered my grandma who was my bestfriend had cancer. She had breast cancer and it got really bad and that is why I found out about it. She passed away after the holidays in 2009. She was my bestfriend. She quit her job to take care of me, buy me 1000000 dresses, and treated me as if I was the daughter she never had. Her death happened two year after my mom died. I lost both of my bestfriends in two years.
  • Claudia joined the family

    Claudia joined the family
    My dad had introduced Claudia to me and my sister. They knew each other since they were in high school. She needed a place to stay in westchester and my dad ended up letting her stay with us. Long story short she is now my stepmom :) She has helped me grow into the young women I am today. I don´t really know where I would be without her!! She also helped my dad with all the losses we had been dealing with.
  • Joshua was born

    Joshua was born
    On December 19th, 2009 my little brother was born. I was so excited because i´ve always wanted a little sibling. He filled a space in my heart and gave me so much joy. He brought so much joy to the family. Of course it was kind of hard in the beginning because I was the ¨baby¨ in my family for a while and now someone else was getting all the attention. But I love him so much!
  • I won two first place medals

    I won two first place medals
    I won two first place medals for taekwondoe. It was a huge accomplishment for me. I practiced for like two months in the morning. I worked and worked for that competition. At the competition my dad and step mom were cheering me on. After I won the first place medals I felt a sense of accomplishment. My dad was really proud of me.
  • When I got my dog

    When I got my dog
    Getting my dog was not planned. I had been going through a really tough time in 7th grade and barely had friends. I went to go get a dog with my dad for my grandpa. We went to the a puppy place and we saw my now dog Niko. He was calm and sleepy when we got him. We made the mistake of bring him to our house first because me and my stepmom fell in love with him. And the more he got comfortable the more wild he got! So he was a perfect fit for me. He helped me through a lot.
  • When I graduated from Hommocks Middle School

    When I graduated from Hommocks Middle School
    8th grade was a way better way year for me. I had a great group of friends. I was excited to graduate with them because I knew most of them since elementary school. This meant a lot to me because I was having the best time with them and I had found out I was moving to brewster. This was a very upsetting time for me but at the sametime it was a good thing in the long run.
  • Moving to Brewster

    Moving to Brewster
    When I moved to putnam lake I had been very upset. I was upset about leaving my friends but I also knew that this was a new start for me. I do not regret moving but leaving westchester ( Mamaroneck to be exact ) was not easy. A majority of places in Westchester are walking distance and there are not many trees, but here in putnam lake and brewster it is nothing but trees. Moving was a huge change in my life and I met so many new people.
  • Getting my permit

    Getting my permit
    Once my birthday hit in 2016 that was the day I took my permit test. I did not want to wait any longer. I had studied and studied and ended up passing on the first try. I was really nervous to take it. My dad had taken me to go take the test and he thought I was going pass perfectly and I was doubting myself. I had learned to trust and believe in myself.
  • When I got my license

    When I got my license
    I had gotten my license on valentines day in 2018. I had ended up taking my road test as soon as the six months were up. I felt the need for the license. I hated relying on people and of course I wanted more freedom! I was really really nervous for the road test that I almost did not go through with it.
  • When my friend died

    When my friend died
    On september 3rd my friend oscar had died. I had found out through snapchat. I was in complete denial until the awake. I had been through major loss in my life due to my mom, grandma, great grandma, etc but losing a friend was completely different. It was a different type of loss.