
Katherine (aka Florecita Rockera) as you never know

  • A star was born

    A star was born
    Katerine was born in 1988 in Bucaramanga
  • Period: to

    Katherine's childhood

    Katherine was born in 1998 in Bucaramanga, she grew up with her parents and her sister, who was born when katherine had 4 years old.
    At katherines childhood her mom took her to see how the ants was carring leafs at diferent places in the forest, se remembersthat momment as a special one.
    When she was in primary school her goal was to grew up and become a teacher, Katherine had a close relationship with her teacher who call her "Florecita Roquera", that nickname stays until she finish school
  • Now there are 2 of them!

    Now there are 2 of them!
    Katherine's sister born
  • Period: to

    Vocation to help people

    When Katerine had seventeen years old she started to study medicine in the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in the city of Bogota, when she got accepted she felt very proud of becoming a student of such a good University
  • "Colombia Tierra querida!!!!"

    "Colombia Tierra querida!!!!"
    Katherine travel inside her country to know it better and see its beauty and its worth
  • It's a Doctor!!!

    It's a Doctor!!!
    Katherine got graduated from Medicine at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • To Ecuador!!

    To Ecuador!!
    Katherine traveled to kown Ecuador
  • A trip in Argentina

    A trip in Argentina
    Katherine traveled to Argentina to know that beautiful country
  • Welcome to the city of the eternal spring

    Welcome to the city of the eternal spring
    Katherine came to live in Medellin
  • Nowadays

    Nowadays Katherine is studying English and studying radiology, she is in the last one of the 4 years of study of the radiology career.
    Her plans for the future are to get graduated, had a halftime job and enjoy her hobbies.
    One of the Katherine's great wishes is to take her family on a vacation arround the sea or any lovely place.
    Katherine works every day for the sake of his goals and her happiness, soon she reach each one of his objectives and make new ones to achieve.