
Justine Coverdale French Revolution timeline

  • Bourgeoisie

    It included prosperous bankers, merchants, and manufacturers ect. The third estate was the most diverse social class and the top was the middle class and bourgeoisie.
  • Estate-general

    The French king had not called for 175 years fearing the nobles would use it to recover the feudal power they had lost under absolute rule. They hopped to bring the monarch under the controle of the nobles and guarantee their own privileges.
  • Jacques necker

    Jacques necker
    Jacques reduced extravagance spending. He started taxes in the first and second estate. The first and second estate did not want to pay so the fired him for it. The first and second estates, nobles, and heigh clergy forced the king to dismiss him because he proposed taxing the the fist and the second estate.
  • Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    Robsespierre was one of the chief architects of it last from September 1793 to July 1794. Sectators greeted death sentence with cries of hail the republic or death to the traitors. On February 5 1794 Robespierre explained why the terror was necessary to achieve the goal of the revolution.
  • Napoleon

    The politicians planned to use him to advance their own goals. Napoleon outwit them all to become the ruler of France.