John tyndall

John Tyndall, August 2, 1820 - December 4, 1893

  • John Tyndall's born in Ireland

    John Tyndall's born in Ireland
    John Tyndall was born in this house in the town of Leighlinbridge, County Carlow, Ireland, on August 2, 1820.
  • Contributions to the philosophy of science

    Contributions to the philosophy of science
    Naturalism in science
    John Tyndall was an experimental physicist, scientific naturalist and natural philosopher. He was a vocal supporter of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and proposed that scientists be allowed to research nature autonomously without guidance by theological doctrine. He believed that scientific research could also provide knowledge on human social and political interactions.
  • The Belfast address - August 19, 1874

    The Belfast address - August 19, 1874
    In his keynote address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Belfast on the relationship of science and philosophical materialism, he advocated scientific naturalism, the view that theological interpretations explanations should not be used to explain natural phenomena. This speech was misinterpreted by many as an affront against religion, and many accused him of materialism.
  • Major works by John Tyndall 1860 - 1882

    Major works by John Tyndall 1860 - 1882
    The glaciers of the Alps. Boston, Ticknor and Fields, 1860.
    Heat : A mode of motion. New York, D. Appleton, 1868.
    Researches on diamagnetism and magne-crystallic action. London, Longmans, Green, 1870.
    Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1872.
    The forms of water in clouds & rivers, ice & glaciers, London, H. S. King & Co., 1873.
    Essays on the floating matter of the air. New York, D. Appleton, 1882.