Jeannette vs Hardships in life

  • Cooking at 3 years old

    Cooking at 3 years old
    Jeannette was cooking hotdogs at 3 years old and burnt herself really bad, she was cooking because her mother is a terrible mom that didn't even get up when jeannette said she was on fire. The scars that were left on her body lead her to believe she wasn't beautiful. The scars also remind her she is strong and needs to be strong to survive.
  • Falling out of a car

    Falling out of a car
    Jeannette and her family are driving as they take a sharp turn over a railroad track, the door flies open and she falls out. Obviously pretty injured she was expecting her family to stop and check on her, but rather them stop they just kept driving. Jeannette has to be extremely tough to deal with that and not having her family care enough to not notice her. They finally come back for her. Jeannette now sees that she sees that she might be on her own in tough times, but she can handle anything.
  • Getting jumped

    Getting jumped
    Jennette was walking home from school as 4 girls jumped her because she was smart and a teachers pet. She got beat pretty badly but it just makes her stronger and have to be aware of her surroundings. It would be hard to know that at any moment you could get attacked. She told Brian about it and he came to protect her. Jeannette now knew that her brother and her need to stick together and protect each other.
  • Learning to swim

    Learning to swim
    The Walls family go to a sulfur springs. Jeannette is clinged onto the wall until her dad came to her and said she was gonna learn to swim. Rex threw her into the middle, she didn´t swim so he got her let her get her breath and threw her back in, he kept doing this till she decided to try and get away from him. She ended up finding success when she was trying to get away from her father.
  • Billy Deel

    Billy Deel
    The Walls were living in Battle Mountain when a new kid moved there, his name was Billy. Billy had some challenges in his life too. He was obsessed with Jeannette and always told people they were dating. They were playing a game with some other kids and he tried to rape her. The next day he the kids were caught shooting guns at each other and the Walls had to move. This was the first time she was sexually assaulted, obviously getting raped would be tough but she didn't think too much of it.
  • Rex starts drinking again

    Rex starts drinking again
    The family all set of one of the best christmas and Rex came home really drunk and burned the tree. Rex was stressed because they were going to move to Welch. Rex was sober for the longest he's been and then once he started again it only got worse and ultimately ruined the kids lives. Rex is the dad and dads are supposed to take care of their kids, but when he's drunk he isn't capable of doing that.
  • Getting food from garbage

    Getting food from garbage
    Jeannette gets so hungry because her parents don't take care of her she has to take food out of the garbages. This would be really tough as a kid, having to fend for yourself at a young age. Because Jeannette has to take care of herself she matures at a really early age which helps her in the long run. She becomes responsible and has a good mind set for the future.
  • Jeannette's in charge

    Jeannette's in charge
    One summer Mom went to collage to renew her certificate and Lori was at summer camp and Rex was drunk. So jeannette was in charge of taking care of the kids and house, she was given some money which she budgeted. All was good until dad came home asking for money, Jeannette couldn't say no. She then realized how hard it is to deal with Rex not just as her dad. She kept giving him money and working so they had money for food. The experience of being in charge helped her become more responsible.
  • Dad repays Jeannette

    Dad repays Jeannette
    Dad has always taken money from whoever would give it to him even his kids. When dad said he would pay Jeannette back no one believed him but he actually did, just not in the best way. He brought jeannette to the bar to seduce guys and get them drunk so Rex could beat them in pool. After he got the money plus some, the man wanted to take her up to his room and Rex let him when. He tried to have sex with her but she got out of it. Rex gave her the money but it costed their relationship.
  • New York

    New York
    The kids all finally get away from their parents and life is all good, but then they got a call that their parents came to New York too. Jeannette wasn't too pleased but was still happy to see them. Rex and Rose house hopped and then went homeless, Jeannette was embarrassed of them and tried to lie. Her parents destroyed their childhood and to have them follow you just as you escape would be really hard. She ended up accepting her family for who they were and grew as a individual.