
jeannette's life battle with hard ships

  • jeannette's earliest memory

    jeannette's earliest memory
    Jeannette walls earliest memory was at the age of three in an Arizona tailor park standing on a chair cooking hotdogs for herself and getting caught on fire in her pink dress her grandmother had bought her this incident left Jeannette with a permanent scar which every now and then throughout the rest of her life will remind her that in order to survive she must be adaptable and not rely on those around her. she learnt from a very young age that she must take care about herself
  • rex wall's lifestyle

    rex wall's lifestyle
    rex is always on the go when things get bad for the walls family rex decides its high time for him and his family to live somewhere else there are never in one place for a long time this impacts Jeannette because she has to up and leave all her friends she had made in that place without saying anything to them and continuously has to make new ones which are hard for her because of the lifestyle her family lives in and it's out of her control
  • billy deel

    billy deel
    ever since billy deel moved to battle mountain he has annoyed Jeannette and spread lies about her saying she was his girlfriend and that they kissed then one day when Jeannette was playing hide and seek with the neighbour kids billy attempted to rape Jeannette this affected her because people might see her as something she isn't because of the lies he is telling others about her
  • the christmas that went up in flames

    the christmas that went up in flames
    when Jeannette her mother and siblings try to have the best Christmas they have been planning for a while rex goes and ruins it by getting drunk and burning it all because he was flicking a lighter on and off this affected Jeannette because they spent all the money they had and spent time planning it for weeks just for it to go up in flames
  • rex wall and his drinking addiction

    rex wall and his drinking addiction
    rex used all the money they have ever collected to feed the drinking addiction he would go as far as to take rose marys checks from the school or the money she got for the land in texas this affected Jeannette because she and her siblings were always hungry and rex barley left them with money to buy food so she would go digging through the trash In the bathroom for any unwanted food
  • rex's promises he never kept

    rex's promises he never kept
    rex always told his family that he would build them the glass castle to live in but he never does even tho brian and Jeannette dug out the foundation it ended up being filled with garbage or could never afford it
    this made a huge impact on her life because her father would make promises he rarely ever actually kept and that could affect the faith she still has in him when no one else does
  • escape plan that didn't work so well

    escape plan that didn't work so well
    Lori, brain, and Jeanette were saving up so they could get out of welch but their father goes and breaks the piggy bank and takes the money for gambling and drinking which makes he kids upset this would have affected Jeanette because it would make her feel trapped and like she will live the way she has been for the rest of her life
  • rex and his so called business trip

    rex and his so called business trip
    he tells Jeannette that he has a business trip and that he wants her to go with him but the only reason for that is so he can get the man to keep playing him in pool games so he can drain his pockets
  • jennettes life in new york

    jennettes life in new york
    after Jeanette moved to new york a few years later her parents came to new york to live and instead of starting a new life her parents decided to proceed to live life as they had been in welch, battle mountain, and Arizona for Jeannette it probably made her feel like she can't escape her past no matter how hard she tries and she is embarrassed by her parent's lifestyles instead of providing for her and her siblings they would work on writing, art, or drinking and gambling
  • embarrassing moment

    embarrassing moment
    when Jeannette is in the cab and sees her mom but ducts because she doesn't wanna be recognized but later regrets it because she is her mother this impacted Jeanette because even tho she wanted her past to disappear she knew that what she was doing to her mother was wrong.