Jane Goodall's Life

  • Jane Goodall is born

    Jane is born in London
  • Jane goes to Tanzania

    Jane loved Chimpanzees so she decided to bravely go to Tanzania to study them without any previous scientific knowledge
  • Discoveries

    While in the jungle, Jane made many discoveries about chimpanzees. One was that they eat meat especially from large animals. She also discovered that they use and make tools
  • National Geographic

    National Geographic posted her discoveries on their October edition of the magazine.
  • Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees

    A movie by National Geographic titled "Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees" is released
  • Period: to

    The Four Years War

    A four year long war between chimpanzees happen in the fight for land and control. During this period, cannibalism is observed in the Chimpanzees.
  • Jane Goodall Institute is founded

    Jane Goodall founds the Jane Goodall Institute for the purpose of researching, conserving, and educating the public about chimpanzees
  • Jane becomes and activist

    Jane attends the first Understanding Chimpanzees conference in Chicago
  • Roots and Shoots

    A group of students in Tanzania found the Roots and Shoots organization, focusing on how the youth can help to solve big issues
  • Tchimpounga Sanctuary

    The Jane Goodall Institute creates a sanctuary for chimpanzees in need

    A program on the education of rural populations on how to mindfully use the local natural resources
  • Messenger of Peace

    UN Secretary General Kofi Annan names her a messenger of peace due to her work to create a better world through Roots and Shoots
  • Anniversaries

    Roots and Shoots celebrates its 25th anniversary while the Jane Goodall Institute celebrates its 40th anniversary