Ap0335 60 dg

Jane Goodall

  • Born

    She's a Bristish primatologist and antropologist.
    Jane Goodall was born on 3th of April in 1934 in London, United Kingdom.
    Her family was middle-class and she grew up in the postwar period in a family home in Bournemouth.
    She loves animals, books and books about animals.
  • Doll

    In this picture, appears her doll, is a monkey, and his name is Jubilee.
    This doll, is the start of her love for the chimpanzees.
    Her father gave it this doll when she has got 1 year old.
  • Favourite book

    Favourite book
    As a child, she loved books about animals and Africa, her favourite book were “the story of Dr. Dolittle” and Edgar Rice Burrough’s Tarzan series.
  • Investigation

    She devoted herself to observing things that scientists had ignored, such as the life of primates. But it was not just that, but also names, such as Fifi, or David Greybeard. She noticed that they had unique and individual personalities, and unconventional idea at that time.
  • Family

    She marry twices. First she married Hugo Van Lawick on march 28, 1964, and they had a son called Hugo Eric Louis van Lawick that was born in 1967. Then in 1974 she divorce and marry Derek Bryceson in 1975, that die on October in 1980.
  • Highschool

    In 1977, she formed the highschool Jane Godall, which supports Gombe's research, and of which she is the leader, in an effort to protect chimpanzees and their habitats. With 19 offices around the world, the IJG is highly recognized for its conservation and development programs in Africa.
  • Book

    From the time she was a girl, Jane Goodall dreamed of a life spent working with animals.Finally she had her wish. When she was 26 years old, she went into the forest of Africa to observe chimpanzees in the wild. Then she wrote her first book about her travel “My life with chimpanzees” that got out on 1988.
  • Prizes

    Jane Goodall wins eleven prizes, for example, in April of 2002, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan was appointed United Nations Peacekeeping messenger. And in 2003, she was awarded the Prince of “Príncipe de Asturias” for Scientifict and technical Research for his studies on chimpanzees of reconciling human development with the protection of wildlife in Africa.