Jane Goodall

  • Jane Goodall's Birthday

    She was born on April 3rd, 1934 in London.
  • Jane Goodall goes to Gombe

    Jane at the age of 26 starts her research on chimps with her mother in Gombe, Tanzania.
  • Jane Goodall Discovered that Chimps use Tools

    Jane Goodall discovered that chimps use tools to catch and eat termites. This discovery is one of the most important discoveries of the 20th century.
  • Jane Goodall Institute

    Jane Goodall started the Jane Goodall Institute. It was created to protect the chimps and their habitat.
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    Jane Goodall leaves Gambe

    Sometime in the 1980s Jane Goodall leaves Gambe to prevent the chimps from becoming extinct by spreading awareness on the social chips.
  • Roots and Shoots

    Jane Goodall starts the Roots and Shoots program to educate the newest generations on how to be conservationists.
  • United Nations

    In 2002, Jane Goodall was named a messenger of peace by the Secretary General Kofi Annan.