
Jane Austen's Works

  • Short works, collectively called the Juvenilia, written.

  • Lady Susan written, but without a conclusion.

  • “Elinor and Marianne” written (later revised as Sense and Sensibility).

  • “First Impressions” begun (later revised as Pride and Prejudice).

  • “First Impressions” completed and offered by Austen’s father to a publisher, but rejected sight unseen.

  • “Susan” written (later retitled “Catherine” and posthumously published as Northanger Abbey).

  • “Susan” sold to a publisher, but never published.

  • The Watsons begun but not finished.

  • Lady Susan completed.

  • Sense and Sensibility published.

  • Pride and Prejudice published. Mansfield Park completed and accepted for publication. Second editions of Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility published.

  • Mansfield Park published. Emma begun.

  • Emma completed and published (1816 shown on title page). Persuasion begun.

  • Persuasion completed. “Susan” repurchased from publisher and revised as “Catherine.” Second edition of Mansfield Park published.

  • Sanditon begun but not finished. Northanger Abbey and Persuasion published together posthumously with “Biographical Notice” by Henry Austen (1818 shown on title page).