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James Schultz's Erikson Timeline

  • Deciding to lead others | Initiative vs. Guilt

    Deciding to lead others | Initiative vs. Guilt
    James (age 4) decides to self appoint himself as a leader in a school project. In Eriksons 3rd stage; Initiative vs. Guilt, Children assert themselves and feel secure in their ability to lead and take initiative or develop a sense of insecurity and guilt.
  • James joins a monastery | Intimacy vs. Isolation

    James joins a monastery | Intimacy vs. Isolation
    James (age 19) joins monks in Tibet. James feels loved and included with the monks and forms relationships with them. In Eriksons 5th stage, the crisis is between forming intimate and loving relationships with others or staying alone and not showing ones self to others.
  • James's spaceships oxygen drains. | Ego Integrity vs. Despair

    James's spaceships oxygen drains. | Ego Integrity vs. Despair
    James's spaceship is damaged when trying to land on mars, he contemplates his life and looks back with pride at the colorful and rich experiences he had despite it not being perfect. If he could do it all again he would not have joined the monks in Tibet. This is Eriksons 8th stage, ego integrity vs. despair. The crisis is whether you are satisfied with your life despite imperfections (ego integrity) or profound regret and wishing you could do it all again now that the time is spent (despair).