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Jake - Language Milestone Project

By hhonza
  • Infancy (0 - 12 Months)

    Infancy (0 - 12 Months)
    In this section, we will be going through the milestones associated for 0-12 months of age for Jake.
  • Period: to

    0-3 Months

    Jake has started cooing. Jake starts to turn his head and quiet/smile in response to noise or voices. Jake also increasingly cries when hungry or tired. When his baby sitter speaks Spanish, he recognizes that it is not his native language. He also investigates toys to look at differences. An example of this would be a block and a bear. Jake enjoys "baby talk" or infant directed speech, especially when high pitch. Jake is also weary of people he has not come in contact with before/unfamiliarity.
  • Period: to

    3-6 Months

    Jake begins to babble with consonant sounds. For example, he says "ta, ta, ta, ta" and "da, da, da, da." He also changes his stress when babbling. Jake also listens and responds when interacted with. Although not intelligible, we can see his understanding of turn-taking. Lastly, Jake began using different sounds to express his emotions. He squeals when happy and growls when upset. Jake also starts to imitate what the people around him do. For example, he shakes his head and waves.
  • Period: to

    6-9 Months

    Jake imitates sounds made in playtime, with various syllable combinations. He also shows recognition of commonly used words such as: "bottle," "mama," etc. Jake always shows an association with shaking his head and no. So, he shakes his head when hearing the word "no" or refusing something. Jake also has a tendency to play with toys, while engaging with his mother as well. Another milestone Jake has been doing is pointing at the items he wants. For example, he points at a bottle when hungry.
  • Period: to

    9-12 Months

    Jake begins to refer to his mother and father as, "mama" and "dada." This means he has about two words in his vocabulary thus far. Although the only word he can completely utter is "mama." He also imitates speech sounds and uses long phrases of jargon when in conversation. This has a rhythm when he speaks. Jake also understands goals. When stacking blocks effectively his mother gives him a kiss and he is pleased. Jake also searches for hidden objects using recall to find where located.
  • Toddler (13 - 36 Months)

    Toddler (13 - 36 Months)
    In this section, we will be going over the milestones for 13-36 months (1-3 years) of age for Jake.
  • 1st Birthday

    1st Birthday
    Here is a land marker for Jake's age. He is currently one year old.
  • Period: to

    12-24 Months

    Jake consistently uses 2-word phrases like "my car". He also understands directions and action words when used. Jake is starting to use intentional pointing to figure out the names of objects around him. He has started to use some relevant verbs including "run", and "eat". Jake also asks a lot of question and uses intonation when doing so. He has now started to use prepositions and plural/possessive morphemes. These could be things such as "after" or "dogs." His intelligibility is at about 80%.
  • 2nd Birthday

    2nd Birthday
    Here is a land marker for Jake's age. He is currently two years old.
  • Period: to

    24-36 Months

    Jake consistently uses question words like "what" and "where." His speech has become pretty intelligible and uses plurals when talking. He is also beginning to use a wider variety of words including adjectives, pronouns, nouns, and location words like "in" or "up". Because of this his speech has become much more descriptive. Jake can now introduce and change topics. This can be changing from talking about superhero movies to talking about television shows. He also asks simple questions.
  • Preschool (3 - 5 Years)

    Preschool (3 - 5 Years)
    In this section, we will be going through the language milestones for Jake at 3-5 years.
  • 3rd Birthday

    3rd Birthday
    Here is a land marker for Jake's age. He is currently three years old.
  • Period: to

    3-4 Years

    Jake can now create 4-7 word sentences. He also has started using prepositions and pronouns. Jake now knows his own name, his street name, his gender, and can sing along to a number of nursery rhymes. Jake now match items with their function. As an example, Jake knows at a stop sign the car comes to a complete stop, or his favorite fast food restaurants. Lastly, Jake uses proper grammar most of the time. He has also mastered most consonants. He sometimes overextends new words & their function.
  • 4th Birthday

    4th Birthday
    Here is a land marker for Jake's age. He is currently four years old.
  • Period: to

    4-5 Years

    Jake is learning language very quickly. He now has a vocabulary of 4,000-6,000 words. He also now asks "who" and "why" questions. Jake is now interested in explanations such as how and why. Jake now fully understands past, future, and present tense. One of Jake's favorite activities include talking about what he is doing or narrating, and also telling fictional stories. He does this in sequence of events. Lastly, Jake is now interested in written words, letters, and numbers.
  • 5th Birthday

    5th Birthday
    Here is a land marker for Jake's age. He is currently five years old.