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J.K. Rowling Life

By jfcc36
  • Birth

    Born on July 31st (which so happens to be the titular character of her acclaimed book series' birthday as well) Joanne Rowling grew up in Yate, England and despite being the first billionaire author and wealthiest author of all time, she grew up a mediocre financial situation(A&E Networks)
  • First Writing Expirience

    Joanne wrote her "first story...when [she] was 6 years old and [she] has been writing ever since" and sparked the creative mindset she used in the renowned book series(Rowling in Scholastic Interview).
  • The Concept

    Joanne Rowling's first concept for the acclaimed book series she would go on to write was famously conceived on a train, and her ideas scrawled on a napkin. She was on the train because her boyfriend(at the time) had taken her flat hunting and she was exhausted from the weekend. On the way home, she wrote some core ideas on a napkin in order to remember them for later. These Ideas became the basis for her first of 7 books(JK Rowling/Oprah interview)
  • The Concept Continued

    Joanne took her concepts to a cafe(the cafe in which she came to write all of her books) and began work on her first book. She would later return to the same cafe, whenever she could, to continue writing on the same book series.(JK Rowling BBC Interview)
  • The Series

    The lead book in the series had a very difficult time taking off. The famous story of Joanne's many failures to get support for her book is famous. She visited many publishers who said that her books didn't have a rich enough story line, didn't appeal to a wide enough audience, etc. When she finally hooked a publisher, she used her initials on the cover instead of her name to appeal to all genders.(J.K. Rowling Harvard Speech). She didn't have a middle name so she adopted her grandmother's name
  • J.K.: A Growing Author

    J.K.: A Growing Author
    As she began her soon to be literary enterprise, she frequently spoke to children about her first book all over america. This picture was even taken in Naperville(Scott Viau). She has always loved engaging kids in the world she had created and this is only one of many visits she made on her "tour" in preparation for her 2nd book. She talked to kids and has done so repeatedly many times. This "[was] one of the most emotional parts of [her] career"(J.K. Rowling Scholastic Interview).
  • The Series

    Kathleen, as her middle name and went by the iconic name, J.K. Rowling(J.K. Rowling in the Oprah interview). The series progressed and developed as well as amassed a great fortune for the author. She soon became the first and only Billionaire author in history,
  • Into The Future

    In recent years, J.K. Rowling has opened a theme park at universal studios in Orlando Florida, Expanded on said theme park many times, has grown her net worth greatly, has launched a new movie series containing 5 movies(at least) and started a play that delved deeper into futures of her most prominent characters. She is clearly doing well for herself and is coming out with many new ways to surprise and astound us.