
Infancy and Childhood 2

  • Perceptual Development

    Perceptual Development
    . The process wherein the individual becomes capable of organizing various sensory stimuli into meaningful units of information.
    . The systematic development and maturation of perceptual abilities and processes over time.
  • Sensory Perceptual

    To explore their world, young children use their senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing) in an attempt to learn about the world. They also think with their senses and movement. They form perceptions from their sensory activities. Sensory-Perceptual development is the information that is collected through the senses, the ideas that are formed about an object or relationship as a result of what the child learns through the senses.
  • Period: to

    Infants and Childhood- Perceptual Development

    To explore their world, young children use their senses (touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing) in an attempt to learn about the world. They also think with their senses and movement.
  • Newborn perceptual development

    . Infants’ perceptual skills are at work during every waking moment.
    . For example, those skills can be observed when an infant gazes into a caregiver’s eyes or distinguishes between familiar and unfamiliar people.
  • Perceptual Development- Visual

    Perceptual Development- Visual
    . At the age of 3 months, however, most infants can recognize a photograph of their mother.
  • Vision

    Perceptual development progresses rather slowly until around 4 months of age, at which point an infant's vision increases to several feet away.
  • Touch

    Infants between 4 and 6 months of age feel themselves being touched by a person or object and look around, trying to find the source of the touch.
  • Mimic sounds

    Mimic sounds
    They start attempting to mimic the sounds that others make; this becomes evident as familiar sounds begin to appear in the midst of baby babble. Infants in this age range are beginning to recognize familiar objects and show favoritism toward some objects.
  • Perceptual Development- Visual Cliff experiment.

    Perceptual Development- Visual Cliff experiment.
    .Gibson and Walk, devised the visual cliff to determine whether infants had depth perception.
    .It is a platform that is part checkerboard and the other part consisting of a sheet of glass with the checkerboard pattern.
  • Visual Cliff

    Visual Cliff
    .Creates the illusion of a clifflike dropoff.
    .Young infants that seemed unafraid and older infants tested to see who would cross over the cliff.
    .Younger infants= refused to cross over.
    .Older infants (6 months and older)= crossed over the cliff, realizing that dropoffs are dangerous.
    .The older infants had explored the world more.
  • Smell

    Sensory perception increases a great deal between 9 and 18 months of age. At this age, an infant will nuzzle her face into a soft object to smell it.
  • Becoming aware

    Between 12 and 18 months, infants become aware of the difficulty of some tasks and adjust accordingly.