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The First Industrial Revolution

By saia90
  • The Invention of the Steam Engine

    The Invention of the Steam Engine
    This is a key event during the which aided the birth of the industrial revolution, Thomas Newcomen invented the first version of the steam engine. The steam engine was later refined and contributed a vast number of early manufacturing and boating industry. This event is important as it led to many other inventions. Image Source: http://physics.weber.edu/carroll/honors_images/newcdiag.jpg
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    The First Industrial Revolution - Introduction

    The Industrial Revolution was a period in which Europe became industrialized and became urbanized. This First Industrial Revolution period started in the approximately 1760s and lasted through approximately 1840s. During this time, a transition was made from manufacturing by hand to machinery to make manufacturing of goods more efficient. The efficiency in manufacturing lead to increased variety of products at lower prices. The quality of life however degraded due to poor working conditions.
  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    The spinning Jenny was invented by Charles Hargraves in 1764, this is the first major event in the Industrial Revolution. The Spinning Jenny accelerated sewing of clothes. This invention contributed to the decrease in price of yarn which in return lead to protesting spinners. Image Source: http://static.enotes.com/images/peoples/tpc_0003_0001_0_img0167.jpg
  • Water Frame for Spinning Cotton

    Water Frame for Spinning Cotton
    In 1769 Richard Arkwright patented the Water Frame. The Water Frame was a water powered machine that spun 128 threads at a time. This was an improvement on the Spinning Jenny. The Water Frame was put to use in 1768 but the patent was filed for in 1769. Image Source: http://www.scotclans.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/watt.jpg
  • Watt's Steam Engine

    Watt's Steam Engine
    James Watt, a Scottish engineer had plans to improve upon Newcomen's steam engine invention. One of the improvements upon the original was the use of separate condensing chambers and insulating cylinders, allowing the steam engine to work continuously. This invention is important as steam power is credited with propelling the industrial revolution. Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/83/49/37/83493750c3546c7f43f00fd0f6438fdf.jpg
  • The Spinning Mule

    The Spinning Mule
    In 1774, Samuel Crompton invented the spinning mule. The spinning mule was a hybrid between Hargraves and Arkwrights inventions. The spinning mule allowed for differnet types of yarns to be produced as it combined the spinning jenny and the water frame. This was a great step forward for the textile industry. Image Source: http://inventors.about.com/od/cstartinventors/a/Spinning-Mule.htm
  • Adam Smith Publishes Wealth of Nations

    Adam Smith Publishes Wealth of Nations
    Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations was important to the Industrial Revolution as it stated government should not tell businesses what to do, competition should dictate the direction of businesses. The book also provided great ideas on labor classification. Image Source: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iStlhd-LawM/Tm-ApvHWVRI/AAAAAAAAB-I/uxTeh-9_zKE/s1600/wealth-of-nations.jpg
  • Watt's Rotary Steam Engine

    Watt's Rotary Steam Engine
    Watt's improvement of Newcomen's steam engine, for which he filed a patent, was completed and Watt's Rotary steam engine was produced. Watt made a number of other inventions and became wealthy quickly. Watt retired in 1800. Image Source: https://www.asme.org/engineering-topics/articles/energy/james-watt
  • Metallurgy Improvements

    Metallurgy Improvements
    Henry Cort made improvements to refining of iron. He invented a furnace that shook the molten metal allowing air to mix in so that the iron can be purified. This invention greatly increased iron production in Great Britain. Image Source: http://geneagraphie.com/Henry%20Cort/02iron.htm
  • Power Loom Reduces Need for Handweaver

    Power Loom Reduces Need for Handweaver
    Edmund Cartwright created the Power Loom, which reduced the need for skilled handweavers. This lead to a series of protests as wages went down and employment of skilled handweavers drastically reduced. This power loom was improved upon over several the next several decades. Image Source: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/history_of_innovation/2014/05/william_gilmour_power_loom_the_industrial_revolution_and_open_innovation.html
  • Combination Act

    Combination Act
    The Combination Act of 1799 made it illegal for two workingman or women to collude in an effort to gain an increase in working wage. This act made it illegal for workers to unionize. The punishments were 2 months of hard labor or 3 months in jail. This act eventually led to many protest and repeal of the act in 1824. Image Source: https://rtuc.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/anti-union-laws.jpg
  • Electric Battery Invented

    Electric Battery Invented
    Alexander Volta is credited with the invention of the modern day battery. In 1800 he reported his invention of the voltaic pile. His invention proved to the world that electricity can be generated from chemicals not just from living things. Source Image: http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/HoMImages/Components/48/4892_3.png
  • The Locomotive

    The Locomotive
    George Stevenson built the first railway train in 1814. The locomotive was called the Blutcher, it was able to carry four wagons with loads of up to 30 tons of coal. Source Image: http://www.historytoday.com/richard-cavendish/george-stephensons-first-steam-locomotive
  • The First Electric Motor

    The First Electric Motor
    In 1821, self-taught scientist Michael Faraday created what is regarded as the first electric motor. He used wires, mercury and magnets to create this device. His device distributed electricity through a wire which created a magnetic field, this field interacted with the magnets and as a result the wires rotated the magnets. Image Source: https://nationalmaglab.org/education/magnet-academy/history-of-electricity-magnetism/museum/faraday-motor-1821
  • The Factory Act

    The Factory Act
    In an effort to better working conditions in factories, UK's parlament pass the Factory Act of 1833. The act was an important establishment as it provided a guideline for imposing proper working condition at the time. Inspector's were assigned to report on condition and to prevent children younger than 9 years old from working in factories. As part of this act, working hour limits were set for age groups. Image Source: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CM3yYDzVEAA-PdJ.jpg
  • Steam Hammer Invented

    Steam Hammer Invented
    Created in 1840 and patented in 1842, James Naysmith created the steam hammer. The steam hammer was an important invention as it allowed to shape forgings. This invention allowed for shaping of large components which open the way for additional inventions. Image Source: https://www.howitworksdaily.com/the-steam-hammer/
  • Water Turbine Invented

    Water Turbine Invented
    In 1849, James Francis invented the water turbine. This invention allowed for energy from water to be captured for use in industrial practices. The invention was important for industrial factories as it was a source of energy for these applications prior to the electrical grid. Image Source: http://www.playbuzz.com/peterk10/ten-medieval-inventions-that-changed-the-world