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India important years

  • 1192

    Muslim power

    Muslim power became more permanent after the Muslim invasions began
  • 1498

    Vasco Da Gama's sea route

    The Muslim empire waned, and the European control started to fill its place. Starting with Vasco Da Gama's arrival by the direct sea route, And European nations started to stablish trading settlements with India
  • The British in India

    The history of the British in India started in 1600 when a small group of men set up the East India Company, a trading company that meant to exploit India's rich natural ressources
  • The Moghul

    The Moghul who came from Turkey, retained power until the beginning of the 18th century
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    British political control

    By the 19th century, Britain had assumed political control of all Indian lands. They helped them make an organized system called the Raj "Rule", to control 300 million people. They also helped with infrastructure, to make their own legal systems and procedures.
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    Mahatma Gandhi

    In the early 20th century Mahatma Gandhi began to influence the Nationalist movement with his policy of satyagraha, a form of protest. "Which eschews violence absolutely as a matter of principle"
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    The Independence Bill

    On July 1 1947 the Britsh Parliament passed the Independence Bill, and on August 15, India was free
  • Gandhi's death

    The 1948 Gandhi was murdered by a Hindu fanatic
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    Political corruption and nepotism

    In the late 1970s and 1980s, the two main political parties the Congress Party and the Bharatiya Janata Pary (BJP), suffered at this time many political defeats because of political corruption and nepotism
  • Visions for 2020

    The President of India Dr. A.P.J, Andul Kalam, answers the question: "What does the future hold for India", in his famous speech "Visions for 2020. - Here he outlines his visions and ideas on the transformation of India into a fully developed nation