Increase in Population from 1700's to the Present Day

  • Steam Engines

    Steam Engines
    An engine that uses the expansion or rapid condensation of steam to generate power. It was used for transporting goods and passengers.
  • Agricultural Revolution

    Agricultural Revolution
    Better farming technology meant more food produced per area of land with less labor. Therefore more food for more people.
  • Hygiene

    We learned to keep clean and not catch so many diseases because of it. Hygiene products like soap killed bacteria and prevented sickness.
  • Clothing

    We learnt to make clothes to keep us warm and match whatever weather we need it in. Also clothes kept lice away from you're body
  • Vaccines

    Allowed medication that made certain diseases immune to people to be invented so we don't die at a young age over a small problem that could easily be fixed.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The transcontinental railroad, the cotton gin, electricity and other inventions permanently changed society. Allowed transportation and other things.
  • Air Conditioning/Cooling

    Air Conditioning/Cooling
    Helped people survive in different climates and temperatures and to make them feel warmer or cooler.
  • Antibiotics

    Better medicine allowed us to get rid of sicknesses that killed us at a young age. Helped young kids and older people live longer.