Important Events, People, Places of US History I

  • Lost Colony of Roanoke

    Lost Colony of Roanoke
    Roanoke was the first colony to be established in America. It was founded by John Whit in 1587 and was abandoned, with no sign of what happend to all of his settlers. To this day, nobody knows what happened to the people of Roanoke, but it will be in the books as the first colony too exist.
  • Colony of Jamestown

    Colony of Jamestown
    Jamestown was the first succesfull colony in the Ameicas. Despite it's success, it was mearly close to failing. For a while, the colonists were starving due to lack of goods for food. Canibalism would be the last resort for survival. Tobacco was the crop which saved these disasters from happening. Jamestown still exists today.
  • Colony of New York

    Colony of New York
    New York was a colony that was very tolerant. They had one of the biggest trade centers in all of the colonies, in which colonists traded with the natives and others no matter what their religon or race.
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    The English Civil War was a 20 year war which didnt occur in North America, but did have a major impact on the colonies. Parliment and Charles I had a big disagreement, and after multiple battles, Parliment would win and take the throne. He would eventually give the crown back to Charles II as long as he goverened England the was everybody wanted it.
  • The Salem Witch Trials

    The Salem Witch Trials
    When a young girl started to get sick, a whole colony was onvinced witches were among them. This sparked the famous Salem Witch Trials of Massachussets, which would last for about a year. There were no withces in the end, it was only bad rye which young girls consumed and got sick.
  • Pirates of the Carribean

    Pirates of the Carribean
    Pirates were more intellagent than the seem. Most pirates were men who had the aility to fight at sea, but had no use for it. Edward Teach, also known as, "Blackbeard," was one of the most famous pirates. He sailed alont the atlandic coast raiding ships for life. He helped develope the first democracy in the world. Today our country still uses this system.
  • Johnathan Edwards

    Johnathan Edwards
    Johnathan Edwards was a preacher and a philosopher. He is famous for his preaching and caused The Great Awakening. Without this, our present day wouldn't be the same.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    The Enlightenment was a time in America where preachers and pastors were realizing that everybody is equal. This event in history had a major impact on how we live our lives today. Some laws which were made during the enlightenment are still in effect today.
  • The Middle Passage

    The Middle Passage
    Many slaves and goods were brought in a triangle trad with Europe, Africa, and America through the Middle Passage. Slaves would be brought from Africa to America, where they would trade for goods that would be brought to Europe and Africa and traded for slaves. This was the main way of transporting goods grown in America and to get slaves where they were needed.
  • Colony of Georgia

    Colony of Georgia
    Georgia was a colony created specifically for men who committed crimes. If you were an english men who had a debt to pay, Georgia was your destination. Many men were here to get a new life after they did their duty, and it also served as a protector of the southern colonies.