Win 20210201 17 06 33 pro

Important Events

  • I was born

    I was born
    Born in Davao, Philippines. Firstborn child in my family.
  • Left the Philippines

    Left the Philippines
    My mom and I left the Philippines and moved to Canada to live with my dad. Now have been living in Canada ever since.
  • Getting my brother to Canada and my first visit to the Philippines

    Getting my brother to Canada and my first visit to the Philippines
    When my mom and I moved to Canada to live with my dad. My little brother didn't have the requirements yet. He stayed in the Philipines for a few more years until he finally got approved. I got to meet the other side of my family and their way of life.
  • Graduating elementary school

    Graduating elementary school
    I went to one elementary school all my life. I grew up with most of my classmates. Saying goodbye was really heartbreaking. This was the last step I took before moving on into a new academic journey.
  • pandemic

    A lot of soul searching and experimenting. During the mid-pandemic time, I came to appreciate the things I usually take for granted. For a long time, I believe I was an introvert. But now after this time of loneliness. I've come to the realization that I identify more as a shy extrovert.
  • Meeting Cory

    Meeting Cory
    An Online friend I got really close to. He was confident and proud to be himself but not in an elitist way. He was always there to help me with any of my homework regardless if he understood. To me, he was put together. His personality started to rub off of me. Then, I began becoming more confident and loving myself. Overall, doing a 180 on my personality and gained a lot of confidence in myself.