Important Dates In History

  • First Education Laws: Massachusetts

    First Education Laws: Massachusetts
    Selectmen from each town had to decide whether parents were providing appropriate education for their young. If not, then they would be sent to a master aprentice who would train them. I feel that this is important because it is the first cause of mandated education.
  • The Impact of Jefferson, Rush, & Webster

    Webster is responslbe for the modernizing of many american words. He believed that schools should responsible for teaching american principles.
  • Population Growth

    School populations severly increased. This led to a great deal of overcrowding.
  • Committee of Ten

    Was created to standardize curriculum. They believed that vocational training should come after high school. They also believed that both college bound and terminal students should have access to the same courses.
  • The Impact of John Dewey

    Father of progressive education. He believed that if schools were anchored in the development in the child, then schools itself would be very different. Children learning by doing. Children venturing outside of the classroom learning valuable life skills
  • The Measurement Movement.

    The Measurement Movement.
    Thorndike and his students created a scale for measuring achievment in arithmetic, spelling, reading, language, and other areas. The result was that there was a number of deficiencies in american men.
  • Creation of order

    School bells were introduced in 1903 to signal the change of classes. This was the same manner that workers in the factory were signaled.
  • The Gary Plan

    Built schools that featured all grades. These schools used the idea "Work,Study,Play".
  • The Impact of WW2

    A large number of teachers left the field to help in war efforts. Students didn't care about as much about education.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Parent tried to take black students to white school. Case was taken on by Thurgood Marshall. Supreme Court ruled that segregated educational facilities have no place in public education and generates a feeling of inferiority that affects the child’s motivation to learn. This is important because It set the stage for inclusions of all people.
  • Sputnik and NDEA

    Alloted federal funding for curricular activities, particularly mathematics, science, and modern foreign languages. This is the first time that the federal government influenced curriculum.
  • Civil rights movement.

    African Americans wanted to intergrate with common classes. This was met with great backlash. As a result of intergration, many teachers lost their jobs.
  • Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
    Prior to, students with disabilities were unfairly treated. They were often segregated. This law was to help students get an education in the least restrictive space. Free appropriate education for students in general educations. This act provides transition services for students. This act holds schools accountable to properly educate students. This is important because it has massive impact on how educators are required to teach.
  • A Nation at Risk Report,

    This was a detailed about the state of american education. This report stated that america was failing. This is important because it was the first time that American education was called out for being under-performing.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Education reform that required schools to test students. If students didn't meet the requirements then the school is considered under performing.