Imperialism 2

Imperialism (Countries)

  • Europe and USA

    Industrialization spread to Europe and to the USA. Economic progress came at the cost of rapid urbanization and social problems. Industrialization also influenced political change.
  • Africa

    The rapid-fire machine gun also gave them a military advantage
    and was helpful in convincing Africans and Asians to accept Western control.
  • China

    After the long and prosperous rules of Kangxi and Qianlong in the 17th and 18th centuries, problems of the Qing Dynasty began to mount during the early 19th century. It suffered from many old land-based ailments, such as long borders to defend and the challenge of keeping transportation and communication routes operating, but they also faced other serious issues.
  • Cuba

    Colonialism, imperialism and anti-imperialism have been decisive in shaping Cuban political identity for 150 years. US determination to control Cuba, consistent with the Monroe Doctrine, had a strong economic rationale even before Spain was defeated in the War of Independence in 1898.