Immune System Response to a Food Based Reaction

  • step 1

    step 1
    Introduction to allergy to the immune system
  • Step 2

    Hyper-responsiveness of the innate immune system and allergy:A non-specific response which involves recognition of molecules entering the body that are shared by a group of pathogens.
  • Step 3

    Early Phase Response: When an antigen enters the body on subsequent occasions it interacts with specific IgE antibodies on mast cells. This leads to mast cell degranulation (rupture) and the release of inflammatory mediators. When this interaction leads to allergic disease
  • Step 4

    Late phase response: occurs several hours later, usually starting 4 hours after contact with the allergen.his response occurs in response to inflammation, which catalyses the recruitment of phagocytic cells to the site of the allergy
  • Step 5

    Secondary immune response:Exposure to an allergen and the associated inflammatory response have a threshold-lowering effect.affected individuals become more sensitive to the allergen with increasing exposure.
  • Step 6

    The result of allergic reaction varies in person to person, from mild hives, shortness of breath, to anaphylaxis.