Identity Series

By icnomo-
  • Sage is born

    Sage is born into a literal cult in Arkdon
  • Cassian Moxi is born

    Born in Enebai, to parents that very clearly do not want him.
  • Jason Greneal is born

    Born in a very not normal family.
  • Ophira Grace is born

    Born into the most normal family on this list
  • Cassian in Arkdon

    Sold and shipped of Gods know where. Mostly staying in Arkdon, where he learns not-English
  • Sage runs off, becomes Winter

    Sage runs off and leaves Arkdon, arrives in the Backalleys, renames herself Winter
  • Ophira and Alice run away

    Ophira's world quite literally burns to the ground, leaving them with a whole lot of nothing
  • Cassian becomes Red

    Cassian escapes to the Backalleys, meets Luke and renames himself Red
  • Winter and Red meeting

    and thus starts the rockiest friendship in this traumafest. But hey, they stick around long enough for them to be friends. So that's a win I guess.
  • Alice (1) dies

    Alice's burns get infected, from the general dirt of the backalleys, and the fact that they are very new wounds. She dies the very next year
  • Red becomes Echo

    FUCKING DIES. Reemerges as Echo. Also meets Ren, and thus is... ooh scary
  • Ophira meets Echo

    Echo meets Ophira, he casually earns her undying loyalty by pulling her away from the corpse of Alice. She joins his little group and chooses to go by the name "Alice," taking on the new identity of who she's always wanted to be-- her sister.
  • Winter meets Charlotte

    Oh. I see.
  • Period: to

    Echo's hunt for Mrs. Moxi

    Nothing like sweet revenge in the morning. This little manhunt takes a little bit longer than he'd want it to. Well, the years aren't all spent on Mrs. Moxi, he also hunts down some of the other people that he blames for Cassian's death, but Mrs. Moxi is the cause, so. Yeah.
  • Jason's arc starts

    his siblings kill his parents, as siblings just do sometimes.
  • Jason meets Winter

    Jason finds out that his parents weren't, in fact, killed in an accident. And he is promptly thrown into the river, where he flows downstream and ends up in the Backalleys. And that's where he meets Winter