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Hundred Year War

By SadieH
  • Period: 1095 to 1291

    Crusades are Fought

    Christian Europeans fought Muslims to take over Jerusalem "the Holy Land'. It happened between the years 1095 to 1291. "All who die by the way, whether by land or by sea, or in battle against the Muslims, shall have immediate forgiveness of sins." Pope Urban ll, 1095. In 1099, when Jerusalem failed, crusaders killed Muslims, Jews, and Christians.
  • Period: 1185 to

    Era of the Samurai

    Samurai was a trained warrior in Japan. They followed a code of ethics called "Bushido". The samurai practiced a form of Buddhism that does meditation and discipline called Zin Buddhism. If the samurai has dishonored they had to comet suicide. Women had rights such as business and could have land.
  • Period: 1337 to 1453

    Hundred Year War

    The Hundred Years War happened between the years of 1337 to 1453 (116 years) between the England and France. King Henry V took over parts of France because he believed that it was his because of his mother, Isabella of France. The English had 6,000 knights and the French 20,000 knights. The French retreated after the third line on the battlefield. King Henry won and took over more French land.
  • 1350

    The Renaissance Begins

    The Renaissance Begins
    Renaissance is the French word for "Rebirth". Many things changed in their culture. Art, Science, literature, and culture. The first copier was made and use to make the first Bible. The statute David was made.
  • 1431

    Joan of Arc Burned at Stake

    Joan of Arc Burned at Stake
    Joan was born in 1412 and died in 1431, in France. She was 19 when she was burned at the stake. She was accused of being a which. She had so called "visions" she thought came from God. Her exucator was named Geoffrey Therage.
  • 1436

    The Black Death Begins in Europe

    The Black Death Begins in Europe
    The Black Death killed around 50 million people. About 60% of Europe's population. Fleas came off of infected rats and the fleas would bite a person. The person would spread the disease by touch. The person would die within days. The person taking care of them would go to the market and the cycle would start again.
  • 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg

    Johannes Gutenberg
    The first thing printed was the Bible. The printing press was completed in 1440. He was a goldsmith and inventor. He was born in 1394 and died in 1468. On September 30, 1452, his first book (Bible) was published in Latin.
  • May 29, 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    The capital of the Byzantine Empire was the siege of Constantinople. It was taken over by the Ottoman Turks who had from 100,000- 150,000 men. The Byzantine Empire had around 10,000 men. It lasted for about 50 days. It was fought by cannons to hit the weakest point of the walls.
  • Period: 1457 to 1509

    King Henry VII Reign

    King Henry was also called Henry Tudor. Only son of King Henry VI from England. On August 22, 1485 he claimed the throne. He married Elizabeth of York, in 1486. Henry had 9 children, 5 sons and 4 daughters.
  • Nov 1, 1478

    Start of the Spanish Inquisition

    Start of the Spanish Inquisition
    • There was a religious struggle between Catholicism, Islam, Protestantism, Judaism and the leaders of Spain wanted to unite the nation
    • They pushed out non- believers such as Jews and Protestants
    • Tomas de Torquemada became inquiritor- general
    • 2,000 Spaniards died
    • Heretics were given a chance to confess heresy against the Catholic Church
    • Either publicly killed or life in prison
  • Period: 1492 to 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Change in the New and Old Worlds. Exchange of animals, plants and diseases. What they brought back to the Old World was potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, coco, etc. The New World received wheat, coffee, chili peppers, horses, etc.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Land in the New World

    Christopher Columbus Land in the New World
    • he was born in Italy, 1451
    • Columbian Exchange
    • thought that the New World was Asia
    • had 3 ships
    • 88 men
    • found native americans and thought they were Indies so they naturally called them Indians
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa was Completed

     Mona Lisa was Completed
    The Mona Lisa was completed by a Italian artist and scientist by the name of Leonardo de Vinci. The woman in the painting is believed to be a lover or a important woman in his life but no one is quite sure who she really was. Her real name was Lisa Gherardini. The painting was stolen a few times but always retrieved. She is said to have following eyes and her smile is as if she knows something we don't.
  • 1508

    Michelangelo begins painting the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo begins painting the Sistine Chapel
    Michelangelo worked on the Sistine Chapel from 1508-1512. Pope Julius the 2nd was the one to hire him. His paintings are of the Old Testament. The most popular painting was "Creation of Adam". Painting had a physical strain on him so he wrote a poem about his "torture".
  • 1513

    "The Prince"

    "The Prince"
    Son of legal official. It was written by Nicole Machiavelli in 1513. It was written about the government and politics. Published after his death. It was mostly about dominate cities such as Florence, Spain, France, etc.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther post 95 Theses

    Martin Luther post 95 Theses
    Martin Luther was born in Germany, 1483 and died in 1546. He became a monk. He believed in doing good deeds and salvation. So he made the 95 Theses and nailed it to the Wittenberg Castle Church. The main idea of the 95 Theses is to be against selling of indulgences.
  • 1521

    Cortez Conquers the Aztecs

    Cortez Conquers the Aztecs
    • captured the Aztec emperor
    • east cost of Mexico
    • 600 Spanish soldiers
    • Aztecs greeted them with food, gold and women
    • wanted to convert them to Christianity
    • shouted words of the Gospel and if they did not get on their knees they were killed or enslaved
  • Period: 1525 to

    Slave Trade

    • 12.5 million was shipped from Africa
    • 10.7 arrived in the Americas
    • about 80,000 people in a year were taken in slave ships
    • Tribes in Africa when in war they take prisoners from other tribes
    • lighter skins worked in the house
    • darker skins worked inn the field
    • family were split up
  • Period: Sep 7, 1533 to

    Queen Elizabeth's Reign

    • She was 25 when she took the throne in 1533
    • kept it for 44 years until her death in 1603
    • Daughter of HenryVlll and Anne Boleyn
    • brought back Protestantism
    • imprisoned by half-sister Mary (Bloody Mary)
    • Elizabeth imprisoned her cousin for 20 years for trying to kill her
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    Counter Reformation

    The movement within the Roman Catholic Church that followed the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. Also known as Catholic Revival or Catholic Reformation. Martin Luther's attack happened during this time. Same as the 95 Theses. Pope Paul III was in charge.
  • Period: Jan 16, 1547 to

    Ivan the Terrible's Reign

    • His mother and father murdered
    • he killed animals
    • killed closes advisers
    • tzar of Russia
    • first wife died but gave him 2 heirs
    • was paranoid so 1,000- 6,000 men
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    • Charles V outlawed Lutherism
    • Many German cities and princes protested
    • 1550s it was noted that a treaty was needed
    • 1555 it was signed
    • The Protestant Reformation strengthened particularism in Germany
    • religious question still not settled
  • Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada
    • "Invincible Armada"
    • Pope Sixtus V wanted to bring back Protestant - "The Enterprise of England"
    • Sir Francis Drake delayed the departure
    • 130 ships
    • 2,500 guns, 8,000 seamen, and almost 2,000 soldiers
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    • granted religious freedom in France
    • Huguenots were allowed religious freedom
    • Was signed by Henry IV
    • 200 towns- landowners by Protestant
    • France fell apart
    • put a temporary end to religious wars
  • William Shakespeare's Death

    William Shakespeare's Death
    • William Shakespeare died at the age of 53
    • born on April 26, 1564
    • at age 18 he married Ann Hathaway
    • had a daughter in 1583
    • had twins in 1585
    • unsure of the cause of death
  • Petition of Rights

    Petition of Rights
    • no freeman should be forced to pay any tax, loan, or benevolence, unless in accordance with an act of Parliament
    • that no free man should be imprisoned contrary to the laws of the land
    • that soldiers and sailers should not be billeted on private persons
    • Commissions to punish soldiers and sailor by marshal law should be abolished
    • Approved by Charles I on June 7th, 1628
    • Parliamentary declaration of the rights and liberties of the people
  • King Charles the First Executed

    King Charles the First Executed
    • executed for treason
    • English civil war
    • from Scotland
    • beheaded
    • Oliver Cromwell sentenced him
    • hanged from the gallows in Tyburn
  • Lord George Macartney Expelled

    Lord George Macartney Expelled
    Was sent by King George lll to go to the Chinese to try to get them to trade with the British. When meeting with the Emperor you are suppose to kneel 3 times and kiss the floor 9 times. He did not do that instead he just stood there which was a insult to him so he was expelled him.
  • Period: to

    Opium War

    The first Opium War was in the years of 1839-1842. Which was fought between China and Britain. The second Opium War is in the years 1856-1860. Fought between Britain and France. Also called the Arrow War or Anglo-French War.