hsb eco

  • Period: to

    economy in 2020

    in 2020 the economy was off to a steady start until Covid happened it didnt affect us too much this year because we didnt know what was going to happen and didnt know it would be serious inflation rate was 1.23
    consumer spending was 2.7
    Gdp was 4.0
    unemployment rate was 6.7
    interest rate was 3.38
  • economy in 2021

    Covid had got even worse causing inflation to rise
    Infaltion rate was 4.7
    consumer spending was 9.1(very high due to panic buying)
    Gdp was 10.1 (all time high)
    unemployment rate was 3.9
    interest was 3.15
  • economy in 2022

    covid was at its worst causing inflation to be crazy high and it was extremely hard to access things
    inflation rate was 8
    consumer spending was 9
    Gdp was 2.1
    unemployment rate was 3.5
    interest was 5.53
  • economy in 2023

    Covid was still extremely bad but we were recovering other than the interest rate was crazy high.
    inflation rate was 4.1
    consumer spending was 5.9
    Gdp was 6.3
    unemployment rate was 3.7
    interest was 8.25
  • economy in 2024

    off to a really good start and we are healing
    inflation rate was 3.5
    consumer spending was 0.8
    Gdp was 1.6 (really low)
    unemployment rate was 3.9
    interest was 6.7