How I Came To Be (people)

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    My father has always been a major influence in my life. I take after him in many ways; our personality and interests. I look up to him so much. He raised me to be who I am today and continues to raise me to be even better.
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    Although my mom isn't as big an influence as my father is, she's impacted me nonetheless. My mom is a truly carefree but also diligent person. She's funny but disciplined, she's the clown but also ringmaster of our family. She's constantly helping me to stay on work but also take a break from it, exercise and take a breather.
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    My sister had a mood disorder and that mood swings towards anger. She can be emotionally and sometimes physically (though that is more towards my younger brother) abusive and it's been hard to grow up with that. Every once in a while we catch a glimpse of her real self, fun loving and energetic and kind. She's taught me to love and forgive everyone, because you have no idea what goes on between the surface. My love has been tested many times but I know that the bond of family is the strongest.
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    Ive always tried to be role model for my younger brother. Our sister isn't the nicest person or the easiest to get along with, so I want to be someone he can look up to. Earlier this year we started sharing a room and since then I've had to monitor what I say, watch, and do. To know that someone is looking up to you is powerful because you have to be the best version of yourself so they can follow.
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    I met Emma in third grade and we immediately became best friends. We drifted apart but in sixth grade we became closer again, in seventh grade we were baptised together. Emma made me want to be a better person. She's one of those people who just does everything and does it right; school, sports, art, church, etc.
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    Mrs. Sidhu

    my fourth grade teacher really helped me build confidence in elementary. i was going through an extremely insecure phase and she noticed and made sure to help me. she pointed out strengths i hadn't seen (i read more than others, i got the main character in our class show) and reminded me that i am the way God made me to be. her lessons stuck we me throughout my life
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    Jessica is my youth pastor and started discipling me in seventh grade. She's been such a great role model in my life and guided me on my path in Christianity
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    I met Webley on a mission trip in seventh grade and we instantly clicked. We've been best friends ever since and I don't know where I'd be without out her.
  • Rachel Zegler

    I've always been so inspired by her. When I first discovered her account, I was blown away by her talent and just felt like she was what I wanted to be. She also spoke about mental health and brought attention to human rights issues around the world. I was going through a hard time when she started sharing her poetry, I felt so inspired that I started writing my own and discovered that it was a great coping mechanism. I feel like she kind of embodies the best version of myself and who I can be.
  • Nicah Valdoria

    I met nicah during my candidate vida and shared something with her that I've never shared with anyone else. We've kept in contact but getting my secret off my chest and confiding in her has helped me to live such a freer life.