Holocaust Unit

By rodrisa
  • The treaty of Versailles

    It was a peace treaty that ended the state of war between the Germany and The Allied Power. Lose land, Lose military, Pay back money to winners.
  • HypeInflation

    prices go up so fast it is out of control. Price of bread in Germany 399 billion marks
  • Beerhall putsch

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the German government
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    The president was a popular war hero named Hindenburg..But his health began to fail him in early 1930s
  • Hitler on trial

    uses trial to give a huge speech further blaming jews for problems in Germany
  • Anne Frank was born

    Anne Frank was born
  • Hitler became the chancellor of Germany

    In hope of creating a stable government the elderly President Hindenburg agreed to the plan that Hitler would become chancellor on January 30 1933.
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    The Holocaust was a mass murder of the Jews.
  • Reichstag fire

    Hitler blames communist for fire.
  • Enabling act of march

    Hitler gets power decision making by telling the president he would take temporary power over Germany then give it back
  • Nuremberg laws

    Set up a process to identify Jews. Nuremberg laws defined people with 3 or 4 Jewish grandparents as"Jewish"and 1 or 2 as "mixed blood"
  • KristallNacht

    Is also referred to 'The night of broken glass" was a pogrom against the Jews throughout Nazi Germany.
  • Ghettos

    larget cities like warsaw or lodz in poland
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  • WWII first begins/Germany invaded Poland

  • Wannsee conference

    Nazi leader approve "FINAL SOLUTION" or plan to EXTERMINATE THE JEWS
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    As the army advanced into the soviet union these groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them....usually by shooting.
  • Anne Franks family goes into hiding

    The family went into hiding because Margot got a letter saying she had to report to a work camp.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    residents smuggle weapons in, uprising lasted for about a month, SS troops arrest and deported residents after the uprising ended.
  • Camp rebellions

    Prisoners fought back when they were in the death camps it appened in multiple camps 1943-1944
  • death marches

  • liberation or concentration camps

  • Period: to

    D.P camps

  • Hitler death/war over

  • nuremburg trial

    the allies an the international community put a number of Germans on trial for war crimes,crimes against peace and humanity after war ended
  • Euthanasia proram

    Systematically killing people deemed 'unworthy of life" do to physical disability or mental illness
  • Zyklon B

    is a gas first tested at the Auschwitz birkenau camp as use for mass extermination This would become the nazi "preferred method"