Holocaust Laws Timeline- By Logan Powell

  • Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service

    Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
    Jews are excluded from political opponents of the Nazis. its initially exempts people who had worked in the civil service since august 1 1914. And those who where veterans in world war one.
  • Law Limits Jews in Public Schools

    Law Limits Jews in Public Schools
    with this new law against overcrowding in schools it made in where there was a very small amount of Jews in school. Many Jews where not in school because of this law. The ones that where in school mostly got bulled by the other kids.
  • Law for Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases

    Law for Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases
    German government passes a law saying you must get sterilized if u have a hereditary diseases. if you have mental problems or health problems you must b sterilized. people would be took at random times to have it done to them and they wouldn't kn what happened util they where adults.
  • Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals

    Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals
    The German government passes a law that lets court indefinite imprisonment them. They can do this if they deem the person to dangerous. It also make it where people who did very bad crimes will pay for what they did.
  • Ban on Jehovah’s Witness Organizations

    Ban on Jehovah’s Witness Organizations
    German government bans Jehovah’s Witness Organizations. The ban was put in play because Jehovah’s Witnesses refused to swear allegiance to the state. 1935 and on Jehovah’s Witnesses they faced Nazi campaign persecution.
  • Jews are prohibited from serving

    Jews are prohibited from serving
    Jews weren't allowed to serve in German forces. they couldn't serve because if the Germans weren't gonna be nice to the Jews then why would they help when serving. The Jews would not help because they weren't being treated right.
  • The Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws
    This law removed a lot of rights they had as citizenship. It also made it to where they couldn't get married or have sexual relationships with a Aryans. They could get married to or have sexual relationships with a Aryans because they thought they would use them for house help.
  • No More Jewish Doctors

    No More Jewish Doctors
    Germany's government say Jewish people cant be doctors. They are no longer permitted to practice in Germany. They got there licences token away.
  • Anti-Jewish Laws in Hungary

    Anti-Jewish Laws in Hungary
    Hungary makes a anti jew law preventing Jews from get jobs and many other things. Hungary laws where based off of many German laws. The law restrained many things they could do in there life.
  • Jewish Kids Are Expelled

    Jewish Kids Are Expelled
    Jewish kids are told they can no longer come to normal school. They were told they must attend a school for only Jewish kids. They must attend that school.