
By Dailen
  • adolf hitler appointed as chancellor.

    adolf hitler appointed as chancellor.
    The nazi party consumes control of the german state.
  • reichstag fire decree

    reichstag fire decree
    president hindenburg suspects constitutional protects in germany.
  • establishment of dachau camp

    establishment of dachau camp
    The SS establishes of dachau camp in march 1933
  • books burning

    books burning
    books deemed "un-german" are publicly burned throughout germany
  • editors law

    editors law
    new german law forbids non aryans to work in journalism.
  • rohm affair

    rohm affair
    hitler orders the purge of the top leaderships of the SA, the nazi party paramilitary formation
  • Hitler abolishes the office of president

    Hitler abolishes the office of president
    Hitler becomes the absolute dictator of germany
  • Exclusion of Jews from German economic life

    Exclusion of Jews from German economic life
    A new German decree closes all Jewish owned business