
Hitler's RIse in Power

  • Weimar's Republic

    Weimar's Republic
    Help solve the chaos in Germany and this gave Hitler the opportunity to get the people on his side because many people despised the republic.
  • Hitler's Attempt

    Hitler had tried to seize the government and was tried for treason
  • Mein Kampf

    Hitler wrote this book and began to gain follows after blaming the Jews for WW1
  • Hitler is pronounced chancellor

    Hitler is pronounced chancellor
    Hitler first gains power after he is pronounce chancellor
  • Reichstag is burned

    Reichstag is burned
    The reichstag is burned and there was a communist standing out in the front of the building. This knocked the communist party out and gave Hitler the power to make emergency measures.
  • Communist party kicked out

    The Reichstag fire was blamed on the Communist so this kicked the whole political body out of the Reichstag. Without a big political body to stop him, Hitler gain more power.
  • Emergency Powers

    Hitler was given emergency powers by Hindenburg after the Reichstag fire.
  • Rearming of Germany

    Hitler begans to build up his military and the infrastructure of the country
  • Nuremberg laws

    Passed to deprive the Jews of their citizenship and protects the German Race
  • Arming the Rhineland

    Hitler moves his troops into the Rhineland but didn't want to start anything with France so it only allowed the troops within its borders.
  • Kristallnacht

    Nazi Mobs go through Jew communities and terror or break buisnesses and houses.
  • Final solution

    Execution of any of the jews in concentration camps. This was a last resort thing due to the ally advance.