
  • Nazi party forms

    The national socialist German workers party forms and they are a minor political party. This party is, of course, The Nazis They are Anti-Semitic.
  • Hitler Takes Control

    Hitler Takes Control
    Hitler First checks out the party as a spy for the army, but later joins and makes himself absolute leader. He gets a sort of secret police which he calls the brown shirts, and the enforce what the Nazi party says. In this case, blaming all of Germany's problems on specific groups. (Jews, Politicians, etc,)
  • Hitler tries to overthrow the government.

    Hitler attempts to take over the government with little success. He gets arrested and then later is released in 1924. This may seem like a failure but it got the Nazi party a lot of necessary publicity. A larger sum of people began to follow Hitler in 1928, But people were more interested in the booming economy. (Since it is currently the roaring 20s)
  • May 1928 Election.

    2.6% Vote, and 12 seats in the Reichstag
  • The Big Sad.

    The Great Depressions hit Germany hard, and the government was not able to deal with it properly. This allowed the Nazi party to rise in the following elections.
  • September 1930 Election

    18.3% Vote, 107 seats in the Reichstag
  • July 1932 Election

    37.8% Vote, 230 seats in the Reichstag
  • Hitler Gets into the government.

    Many government officials did not want Hitler in the government, seeing as he tried to overthrow the government. But Because of the Nazi partys growing popularity and some help from Franz Von Papen on the inside, Hitler was elected to be Chancellor.
  • The Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag building was burned down through arson, and Hitler used this event as a way to gain power; by abusing the power of an emergency plan. He eliminated many political opponents and restricted the public.
  • Enabling Act

    Hitler introduced an act that allowed the Nazi party pretty much full control of Germany and the government, many people opposed this but were either too intimidated by the Nazis or were simply arrested.
  • Hitler Gains control of the army.

    Hitler has already established concentration camps, and he not only send jews there but also political opposers there and protesters. He also sent army generals that opposed him to the camps. He then replaced them with some of his followers, and thus gained control of the German army.
  • German president dies.

    German president dies.
    The German president dies, and Hitler assumes control and becomes an absolut leader; as if he didn't have almost absolute control already.
  • Hitler Reintroduces The Draft

    Hitler sends out a draft forcing all young able men into the military.
    Hitler then put a 4-year plan into place to prep Germany for war and bost the military.
  • Hitler Moves his army

    Hitler moves the German army into the Rhine land, A place where German troops are forbidden because of the treaty of Versailles. Nobody did anything about it.
  • New Foreign Policy

    Hitler's solution to Germany needs for more self-sufficiency was a military expansion for Germany to get more raw materials.
  • Hitler Takes Austria

    Austria had a smaller Nazi-like group within itself, and Hitler used this as a way to take Austria, he threatened invasion, or just give up the country. They gave up the country.
  • Munich Agreement

    Czechoslovakia had a large portion of German speakers, and Hitler used that as an excuse to try and invade that part of Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler Gets A Bigger Army

    By 1939, Hitler had established a big army containing roughly 900,000 soldiers, 8,000 aircraft, and 95 warships.
  • Hitler Gets A Bigger Army

    Hitler Gets A Bigger Army
    After his 4-Year plan, Hitler has established roughly 900,000 soldiers, 8,000 aircraft, and 95 warships.