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Histoy time line

By Col.10
  • Roanoke

    They settled the colony in 1585 in North Carolina b Sir Walter Raleigh. He left in 1587 to get more supplies. When he returned after the Spanish Armada ended in 1590 all the colonists were gone. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/roanoke-colony-deserted
  • Jamestown

    1607 is when the Virginia Company started a colony along the edge of Virginia. The colony had a very hard start with only 38 of the original 150 colonists surviving. John Smith became the leader. He declared "those who do work, dont eat". John Rolfe experimented with tobacco and made it the colonies first profitable crop. in 1619, the first african slaves were brought to the town. (note packet)
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut was settled by Dutch fur traders. They built a fort near present-day Hartford. English colonists from the Massachusetts Bay Colony arrived in 1633 under command of Thomas Hooker. https://www.mrnussbaum.com/history-2-2/conncolony/
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    When the people of Jamestown arrived, they had to establish a governing body. The house of burgesses was established and the first assembly was on July 30, 1619. http://www.ushistory.org/us/2f.asp
  • Mayflower/Plymoth/Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower/Plymoth/Mayflower Compact
    The Pilgrims left for the new world in a rented cargo ship the Mayflower. They were going to Virginia but were set off track during the voyage. They landed at an abandoned Indian village and set up there. The Mayflower Compact was made as the colonies first form of government. About half the colonists died in the winter. Squanto came in and helped the colonists farm and make relations with the natives. http://historyofmassachusetts.org/plymouth-colony-history/
  • New York

    New York
    It was settled by the Dutch, it was originally called New Netherlands. Henry Hudson explored the area in 1611. In 1664 the british sent a fleet to take New Netherlands, the Dutch surrendered without a fight. The territory was renamed for the Duke of York. (Note Packet)
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    In 1628, a group of distinguished Puritan businessmen created a venture named the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay, which was originally seen as a profit-making endeavor in the New World. A land grant was received from the Council of New England, the successor to the ineffective Virginia Company of Plymouth, providing rights to the area between the Charles and Merrimack rivers and westward to the Pacific Ocean. https://www.u-s-history.com/pages/h572.html
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    The great migration was when Puritans migrated to New England, the Chesapeake and to the West Indies in the 17th century. The Puritans left England because of religious persecution and economic reasons as well. They established the Plymouth colony, the first New England colony. http://historyofmassachusetts.org/the-great-puritan-migration/
  • Bacon's rebellion

    Bacon's rebellion
    Nathaniel Bacon started an unauthorized militia made up of servants, poor farmers and slaves. They attacked native Americans in retaliation to the natives attacks on the Virginia frontier. Governer Berkeley raised an Army to fight back Bacon and his men. Bacon died of dysentery. His co-conspirators were hung. (note packet)
  • Maryland

    It was started by Lord Baltimore. He was a Catholic and convinced King Charles I to give him 100 million acres for persecuted Catholics to settle on. It was a proprietary colony. He died before he could do anything with it, so his son took over the colony. He gave 100 acres to every married couple who settled. The Toleration Act Of 1649 gave religious freedom of all Christians living in Maryland. (note packet)
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    The colony was settled by Roger Williams. He was banished from the Massachusetts Bay colony for speaking out against government authority's. He founded Rhode island he made it with no religious persecution of Christians. (note packet)
  • Carolina

    The colony was settled by 8 loyal supporters of King Charles the second. Carolina had easy access to trade in the west indies. So people settled in Carolina to grow cash crops like rice, indigo, and tobacco. These crops needed a very large worker force. in 1720 slaves outnumbered the colonists 2 to 1. In 1729 it became a royal colony and became north and south Carolina. (note packet)
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    Some girls in the Salem village said they were possessed by the devil and accused local woman of witch craft. Mass hysteria swept through the town. Many people died for speaking the truth. The trails ended in September 1693 when the public's opinion turned against the trials.
    (note packet)
  • Albany plan

    Albany plan
    the Albany plan was a plan to place the British North Americans colonies under a more centralized government. 7 of the colonies adopted the plan. It was never actually put into action. The failed plan served as a model for future unions. https://history.state.gov/milestones/1750-1775/albany-plan
  • French-Indian war

    French-Indian war
    The English and french battled for colonial domination of North america. The English did win but at a serious cost. So to gain back the money lost they had to increase the colonies taxes. The war was the start of hostilities between the colonies and great Britain. http://www.ushistory.org/declaration/related/frin.html