Mussolini Timeline

  • Formation of an independent ItalY

    Formation of an independent ItalY
    I chose this photo as it represents the depth Italy went through to be their own country
  • Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy

    Papal States taken over by new nation of Italy
    I chose this picture as it depicts the military growing stronger and gaining the power to take over the states.
  • Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)

    Failure of First Italo-Ethiopian War with the Battle of Adowa (Adwa)
    Shows how the forces struggled and how they were overall outnumbered
  • Italy invades and takes over Libya

    Italy invades and takes over Libya
    Shows how Italy was preparing there forces to cross the sea and invade
  • Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti

    Mussolini begins work as editor for the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti
    Important because it shows the example of some of things he would edit and how it showed his ideals
  • Mussolini kicked out of Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WW

    Mussolini kicked out of Socialist Party for pro-nationalistic sentiments regarding WW
    Shows his dominant role and independent authority that he held over the country
  • Treaty of London

    Treaty of London
    Was chosen as it outlines the countries involvement and surrounding areas
  • Beginning of Biennio Rosso

    Beginning of Biennio Rosso
    Shows Italy's side of the tension and the riots that were happening
  • Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan

    Fascio di Combattimento formed in Milan
    shows the size of the group that supported Mussolini, and how much powr Mussolini held over such a large number of Italian Citizens.
  • D’Annunzio takes Fiume

    D’Annunzio takes Fiume
    I chose this photo because it shows the unity and power Italy had under fascism that allowed them to take Fiume
  • Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti

    Mussolini forms alliance with Giolitti
    chose this phot because it demonstrates the charismatic leadership Mussolini utilized to gain connections and maintain power.
  • 12. Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader

    12.	Mussolini forms the PNF (Fascist Party) and is elected its leader
    photo because it shows Mussolini’s triumph and consolidating his power to such a great extent
  • 13. March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister

    13.	March on Rome and Mussolini becomes Prime Minister
    chose this photo because it emphasizes how Mussolini’s supporters were willing to risk their lives for the cause, But Mussolini chose to stay behind and essentially hide behind their support rather than be a leader.
  • Corfu Incident

    Corfu Incident
    This photo shows the strength that Italy brough to Greece, and how they acted on violence and power to take what they wanted.
  • Acerbo Law Passed

    Acerbo Law Passed
    Shows his domination of power that the fascists had now with the electoral system that operated in favor of them
  • 16. Matteotti Crisis

    16.	Matteotti Crisis
    I chose this photo because it shows the opposition that Mussolini began to face when he started to abuse his power.
  • 17. Aventine Secession

    17.	Aventine Secession
    I choose this picture because it represents the unity of the people protesting the opposition of the fascist state and Mussolini.
  • Battle for Grain

    Battle for Grain
    This picture showcases the desire for grain and how Mussolini encouraged landowners to grow more grain and the picture showcases the excessive amount of wheat.
  • 18. Locarno Treaty signed

    18.	Locarno Treaty signed
    This picture was chosen as it represents the amount of people involved in signing the treaty and represents how they all felt betrayed at the amount of land they produced.
  • Battle for Births

    Battle for Births
    I choose this picture because it showcases the abundance of newborn babies in a hospital to embrace how women were encouraged to be housewives and have more children.
  • 20. Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira

    20.	Battle for Land and Battle for the Lira
    I choose this picture because it shows workers cleaning an area filled with swamp so it can be used for farming which clearly demonstrates the Battle for Land.
  • 23. Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed

    23.	Kellogg-Briand Treaty signed
    I choose the picture because it showcases how the representatives of the 15 nations came in unity in hopes to preserve peace.
  • 22. Lateran Treaty with Pope

    22.	Lateran Treaty with Pope
    I chose this picture because it shows the agreement between the Pope and Mussolini in support of the Fascist state and how they achieved a state of peace.
  • 25. Abyssinian Crisis

    25.	Abyssinian Crisis
    Important as it shows how ethopia army was small compared to italy power
  • Stresa front

    Stresa front
    I choose this picture because it shows the representatives of France, Britain, and Italy agreeing to prevent Germany’s persistence.
  • Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War

    	Italian involvement with Spanish Civil War
    Show the support italy had for its people and ho they always went into war with support
  • 26. Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty signed

    26.	Rome-Berlin Axis Treaty signed
    Depicts the actual signing which is important as it shows proof it happened
  • Munich Confrence

    Munich Confrence
    I chose this because it depicts the leaders attending the conference and how they are all important
  • Italy invaded Albania

    Italy invaded Albania
    Depicts the Italy forces invading Albania and how they spread out there army
  • 30. Italy enters WW II on side of Germany

    30.	Italy enters WW II on side of Germany
    I chose this photo as it depicts them joining forces at a confrence
  • 31. Mussolini brought down by coup during WW I

    31.	Mussolini brought down by coup during WW I
    I chose this as depicts the impact it had as it was all over the press
  • Mussolini Killed

    Mussolini Killed
    I chose this as according to the photo Mussolini in it with the other people hangin by there feet